Chapter 27

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Jason's POV

Eddy yelped when he hit the cold floor. "W-what?" He asked with a raspy voice but I didn't let him to start talking to me too much before I took a hold on his rope that was keeping his wrist together. "P-please! Have some mercy for me!" He started to cry again which annoyed me. The only reason why I was keeping him alive was because of (Y/n) but he knew about me now. "J-Jason! You know me!"

The fact that I knew him didn't change anything at all. HE deserved that what was coming to him even if I did. "I-I-I can h-help you with (Y/n) if y-you want to!" I stop and turn to look at him. Why would I need his help with her? I think that we are good even with this. "I-I can t-tell you e-everything she l-likes! Y-you can h-have her if y-you want to!" He was trying to trade her for his own skin. This got me annoyed so I continued my journey without saying anything to him.

We reach the house which makes him seen hopeful. (Y/n) gets outside and puts her hands on her hips. "Oh you will get it now." I hear Eddy say behind me which makes me feel horrible. I didn't want (Y/n) to be angry with me! "What the hell did you do to him?" I felt a shiver run down my spine at her words. "Not you Jason! Eddy what the hell did you do to him?" My head snaps towards her. She wasn't talking about me?

"W-what?!" Eddy yelled at her while she just gave death stare to him. "What did you do to him? Jason wouldn't attack you if you didn't give him a reason." I felt my cheeks burn at her words and I felt better. "H-he killed Lisa!" Eddy cried to her which makes (Y/n) send a sad look to him. "I know. Freddy showed that already..." I wanted to hold her in my arms and hug the pain away. "So is that guy another boyfriend?" Eddy asked with mocking tone.

I felt the anger in my again so I kick his side. This makes him yelp from pain which was enough for me. No one makes fun of (Y/n)! "No. He's someone I try to protect John from. That's the man of his nightmares but you just don't care about John enough to try to protect him from that demon. Jason and I are doing your job!" Eddy looks at her without saying anything. It was good if he felt bad since this was his fault.

"(Y/n). Look I'm sorry about that. I didn't need to hurt your feelings if that makes any sense." I didn't believe him at all. He was just saying some things to get himself out of the trouble. I didn't like it at all. How could someone be so selfish? "Well, you gig it anyway! You killed my horse for fucks sake. And then you abandoned your child to me when he was being to hard on you. Thankfully Jason has been here with him since he need someone that would teach him how to behave in some situations."

Eddy sends her a nasty glare as he turns to look at me. "You let that monster spend time with my son? What the hell is wrong with you?!" I kick him again to make him to shut up. "Monster? Excuse me but Jason is John's uncle! That's what your son calls him since he trusts Jason with his life because he knows that he can depend on him! Jason has been there for him to comfort him when he needed it! Where were you and Lisa?!"

This seems to make Eddy shrink in his form. (Y/n) looks at her brothers hands and his missing finger. "I guess you tried to tease him? Jason hates bullies and he was heartbroken when you shot Brownie." Eddy turns to look at me with panic in his eyes. I send him a nasty glare which gets a whine out of him. "Jason. Can you take him inside? I'll patch him up and then send him on his way." I nod at her words and lift him up.

Eddy seems to be relieved that I started to bring him to the house. I really didn't want him to get in in fear that he would do something bad to (Y/n) or John. (Y/n) keeps the door open for me and him which makes me put my hand over her cheek gently. "I know big guy. You did good." (Y/n) says with a sweet smile on her face. I felt instantly better that she didn't hate me for what I did to her brother.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang