Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

I after awfully tired after cleaning the house. I was sipping my coffee while sitting on the couch. It was pleasant for a while but then I hear that the horses were freaking out in the stable. I look at Benny who was parking at there and I get up quickly from the couch. I walk over to the window to see that all the lights are on in the stable. "What the hell?" I say as I quickly walk over to the front door so I go over there.

"Benny go!" I say to him and he starts to run towards the stables. If there were some people that were stealing or doing something to the animals, they would usually get out when a dog runs over there barking and snarling. I take my shotgun from the weapon cabinets I had inside one of the closets. I look for the ammunition from the cabinet and but some in my pocket and load the gun when I run over there. I was getting worried that there could be a bear or a wolf when I could hear Benny freak out.

I run over and open the sliding door, panic rising every passing second. When the door is open, everything goes silent. I look at the empty, dark stable while getting more confused by every minute. "Benny? Cola? Brownie?" I call for all of them but I don't hear anything. I take a step inside the building and look around. "What the hell?" I say quietly but then realize that I must have fallen asleep. "Shit! Jason!" I yell out and turn around in the empty stable, keeping my guard up.

"That's what he is." I hear a deep voice say behind me and I turn around, pointing the gun towards the voice. My eyes look at a man that had an old sweater and pants on. He had a fedora on his head and long sharp claws on his right hand. When he lifts his head to look at me I could see his burned skin. "Let me guess. You are Freddy." I say to him and he shrugs his shoulder. "The one and only." He suddenly points at me with one of those sharp claws. The sharp metallic noise from the claws made me jump little.

"Where is that fat piece of shit that has been following you lately?" He asks and I know who he was talking about. "I don't know. He left earlier to go back to his territory." I say to him and look at him angrily. He starts to laugh as he walks towards me while I start to back away, still pointing the gun at him. "Stay there." I say to him with a growl. He laughs again and taps his claw fingers in the air. "You are willingly being around that living corpse?" He asked while laughing.

I send him a death stare as he starts to walk towards me faster. Suddenly my back hits a wall behind me, making me jump. I turn around to look at the wall of that boiler room. I hear another laugh come from the man and I turn back to face him, only to see that he was gone. I look around trying to find the man again. I was getting more uncomfortable by every second, my heart was beating faster every passing minute. I had to admit that I was scared of this whole situation.

"You are scared." I hear him laugh from somewhere, making a shiver run down my spine. What a creepy bastard! My shaky hands hold the shotgun but at this point I don't know if it even does anything to him but it brought me some comfort. I look around me, trying to find that asshole. I really hoped that Jason would be here. I realized just how much I really needed him right now. There was no way I was going to survive without him.

I could hear my heartbeat clearly in my ears as I walk through the endless hallways. Hot air was burning through my lungs, making my throat feel dry. I feel tears form in my eyes as the fear turns stronger with every passing minute, making me feel sick. I hear his laughter closer than before and the hairs on my back stood up. Sweat was running down my temple as I look around the boiler room, trying to spot that man.

I swallow a lump from my throat, trying to get comfortable but that illusion is broken when the floor gives out. I scream as I hit the floor, smacking the air out of my lungs. I cough as I sit up, holding my back. It hurt like hell and for a moment I didn't even think about the man that was lurking somewhere in the boiler room, waiting to kill me. The pain in my head was almost unbearable.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu