Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV

Jason was still really upset during the whole day as he was following John and me around all the time. When I tried to go to the field to water the plants, he almost dragged John with me. John wasn't really happy about it but Jason didn't care about it right now. Jason wanted us to be together at all times and it was little ridiculous but he had his reasons. John was little bored because he didn't have much to do.

The sun was already setting when I was finally done. Jason and John were sitting on the porch, waiting for me to come back to the house. When Jason saw me approaching, he stood up instantly and he makes his way to me. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a tight hug. "I'm okay Jason. You don't have to worry about me." I say to him, with a little smile on my face. Jason nods quickly and lets me go.

"Can we go inside already? I want to go to sleep." John says, sounding little tired. Jason shakes his head quickly and points at me. Was he worried about that Freddy guy again? I put my hand on Jason's arm and rub it gently. "Jason, it's fine." I say quietly to him and walk over to John. "Listen, I will make you a bath you can get into and relax. After that you can go to sleep on the couch with us. Jason and I have to talk quickly." I say to him and he nods with a groan.

"Fine, but how are you going to talk with Jason when he doesn't even speak that much?" John asks innocently and I smile at him while poking his nose quickly. "Telepathy. Jason is magical." I say to him and his eyes widen instantly. "Really?!" I give him a little nod and whisper. "He will teach you, if you do what I say." He nods excitedly and runs inside. I smile after him and turn my head to look at Jason.

"You can explain everything you know about that guy the best you can. But I first need to make the bath for him." I say to him and he nods. I take his hand and drag him inside with me. Benny was running around with John and he was finally acting like himself. In the middle of the day he turned back and I was relieved because for a moment I thought that I had to ask for a vet to come and check him out.

"I was thinking about hiring some people to help me around the farm during the day, so I would have more time to spend with you." I say to him but Jason only things for a moment and then shakes his head. I cross my arms on my chest and send him a little annoyed look. "Jason. It would really help me to get the jobs done faster." I say to him but then he points at himself and nods. I look at him little confused but then understand what he wants to say.

"You want me to hire you?" I ask from him and he nods again. Was he serious? "Don't you need to rest during the day?" I ask him but he shakes his head, making me feel stupid. He was undead! Of course he doesn't need to rest! He was the Crystal Lake's own killing machine. Unstoppable force that could destroy anything in his path. But most importantly, he was my friend.

"Okay Jason, you get the job." I say to him and offer him my hand. He takes it and gives it a gentle shake. I smile at him as let go of him. "I will make the bath for John. Wait here." I say and make my way to upstairs where the bathtub was. I make sure that the water was warm enough for him and add some soap in it. John was already waiting for his bath next to me. "Is it ready yet?" He asks and I give him a little nod. "It is. Just be careful when you get in and out." I say to him and ruffle his head as I walk out.

I quickly make my way downstairs, where Jason was still waiting. He was sitting on the couch in living room, waiting for me patiently. I walk over to him and sit next to him. "So. This Freddy is in dreams." I say, making him nod. He lifts his right hand, making a scratching movement on the air with it. "He has claws?" He nods and then points at his mask and then at the fireplace. I look at him, thinking about the clues he gave to me. He then points at firewood that was already burned.

"Is he burned?" Jason nods eagerly and he pats my head. So this man was burned and had claws. The biggest thing that scared me was that he even scared Jason. But I bet Jason is scared because of us. He has been alone for years and now that he found me again, something was trying to tear us apart again. But I was ready to fight if I had to. And that's all for Jason.

I hear the house phone ring and I look at it little dumbfounded. The clock was well past 8 p.m. Who would call at this time? I went to pick it up, looking at it still little suspicious. "Hello?" I say and I hear Jason's heavy footsteps behind me. "We are coming to get John tomorrow." I hear Eddy say bluntly, anger covering his voice. "Eddy! What happened? I thought that you would be there little longer." I ask from him. Maybe something didn't go as planned.

"We didn't make the deal but you don't have to worry about that. We will be there before midday." He says, making me nod. "I'll have him ready by then. See you tomorrow." I say to him and hang up the phone. I turn to look at Jason, who was looking at me little confused. "John's parents are coming to take him home tomorrow." I say to him and Jason nods sadly. I pat his arm and give him a little smile. "He will come back to visit us someday again."

Jason nods and gives me a hug, making me smile at his gentle touch. I didn't even realize how much I really missed him all these years. I really don't know how I lasted so long without him. I only could imagine how differently our youth could have been. I look him over again, thinking all the possibilities that he could have been. It makes me sad that his life was ruined by some people that were so close minded about his situation. Jason was one of the most loving and caring kid I knew and he really didn't deserve that.

"Jason. You know that I really missed you all these years." I whisper to him, making him pull away from me for a while. He looks at me, eyes filled with happiness. I put my right hand on his masked cheek, looking into those eyes. I always loved them because they always had so much emotions in them. I could see his emotions just by looking into his eyes. Jason's eyes lowered on my lips for a while but then he moved them back to look in my eyes. I move my hands on his shoulders and slowly lean towards him.

My lips contact with the mask on the spot where his lips were supposed to be. I feel his arms wrap tighter around me as he breathes heavily, almost shaking under my touch. I lean back from him, giving him some space after the closeness. Jason looks at me for a while but then he leans to me, touching my cheek with his mask. I lift my other hand to his neck and give him a little rub. "I love you big guy." I whisper to him, giving him a gentle look.

He nods to me and then pecks his mask against my forehead. I feel a smile grow on my face. This was something I have always missed from him. "Auntie, I'm ready!" I hear John yell from upstairs. I take a step away from Jason and give him a little smile. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." I say to him and poke his masked nose. "He can't hurt us." After that I get quickly upstairs and give Jason some time to think for a minute what just happened between us. I didn't want to scare him away by being too pushy towards him and his emotions.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now