Messes: 3

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Elisa was collecting herself at the edge of the castle wall. She still wasn't used to making an entrance this way—being dropped by a flying creature under the cover of darkness. The castle was quiet. A cool breeze blew through her hair as she peered over the stone wall and down into the courtyard. No one was below. Hudson—the name she was now using when she thought about the Elder—had set her down on the stretch of castle wall that ran from the tower to the south east corner. No one ever walked that stretch because there was nothing up there, but it gave a commanding view of the entire premises.

As she crouched in the dark, Elisa considered the various scenarios that might play out. Goliath and Hudson had made clear that they did not know precisely what Xanatos was planning, which was why they wanted her there. They would land in the courtyard so that Elisa would have a view and then, like wired informants, they would try to get him to talk. Goliath would refuse to hand over whatever it was he had acquired until he got further information. At least, this was what Elisa was expecting. She did not know that Goliath already knew he was retrieving the Phoenix Gate, nor did she know how badly his heart ached to simply go along with Demona's plan and use the Gate to go back to the past and start over. All of this information would have been nearly impossible to believe anyway. More impossible than believing in Gargoyles.

But for the moment, Elisa was in the dark. All she could do was wait.

— —

Goliath and Demona were gliding at a fast clip. The night breeze was strong and the air was clear. With Roosevelt Island fading fast behind them, Demona drifted closer to Goliath.

"We are almost there, my love," she said. "When we return to the castle we must use stealth. Do you remember the Grimorum Arcanorum?"

"The book of the Archmage," Goliath answered. "Of course. You and I retrieved it only..."

Demona cut him off. She had no use for reminisces tonight. "It is now in Xanatos' possession. He keeps it in the lower levels of the castle. Within its pages is the incantation we require to wield the Gate. It will allow us not merely to travel through time, but to travel precisely through time. To any moment we wish!"

Goliath heard the aching in her voice. As he looked out over the city, this strange place he had awoken to, he could not resist the urge to simply let go of all other considerations and follow her. This place was not right. These times were not right. They did not belong here, and whatever world they left behind would undoubtedly be better off with them out of it. At least, that was what he wanted to believe.

As he looked out over the city he was ready to leave, something caught his eye. It was a very small, glowing dot. It was growing rapidly more prominent and soon it seemed to be flanked by two other small, glowing dots. It did not take long for Goliath to realize that whatever they were, they were approaching them. He was reminded of the approach of men on horseback with torches. He became uneasy.

Demona glanced over and her eyes narrowed. A slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. As Goliath watched, the source of the lights came into view. What he saw confused him. They were gargoyles. At least, they looked like Gargoyles—two silver ones flanking a red one. There was a flame trailing behind each of them.

"What sorcery is this?" Goliath asked, startled.

"It is Xanatos," Demona said, flatly.

"Xanatos?" Goliath responded, astonished. "Those are gargoyles...of some kind."

"They are not. They are machines created by Xanatos. Except for the red one. That one is Xanatos himself," Demona responded.

"What is the..." Before Goliath could finish his question the machine gargoyles overtook them. The two silver ones buzzed by them. The roar of their jet engines startled Goliath. He looked back just in time to see them turn on a dime and come up on their flanks. The red one dove down, then swooped up behind them and then quickly re-closed the gap, settling in directly above them.

"Good evening," it said. The voice sounded computerized, but it was most definitely Xanatos'.

"Xanatos! What is the meaning of this?!" Goliath asked.

"We're your escort back to the castle, Goliath. You can't be too careful these days. I would think by now you would understand that," Xanatos responded.

Demona and Goliath exchanged glances. Goliath was prepared to simply follow Demona's lead for the time being. He was nervous, though. He did not like surprises and he did not find these machines reassuring. Demona seemed calm, because she was. She had anticipated this. She knew Xanatos would never fully trust her to be alone with Phoenix Gate. It was why she had prepared so carefully, so meticulously. While working with him, she had concealed the full extent of her abilities from Xanatos, but tonight he would learn just how formidable she could be.

She looked dead ahead toward castle Wyvern, keeping the slight smile on her lips our of Xanatos' view.

GARGOYLES: Re-AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now