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dear life,
i have become so familiar with the stars that their winks tickle my skin. they look so close. if only i could touch them. oh but, they are so far away.

i have befriended the fairies of insomnia. we sit together and smoothen the creases of my bed sheet while whispering our secrets to each other, never disturbing the lullabies deep in sleep on the bed next to mine.

through the stained old windowpane, i watch how the moon, lulled by the songs of twinkling stars, sighs somnolence. how i wish i could rock it to sleep!

i watch the enervated sunflowers wrapped in the velvety blanket of midnight green. i hear the soft mumbling of nightmares as they longingly dream of the things they could have been. i watch the midnight breeze cuddling with the exhalation of sleeping oceans. i hear the narration of bedtime stories among the supernovas.

i have become habituated to gazing into oblivion where those fairies disappear as the incandescent rays of dawn, fused with the pellucid glow of fading crescent moon and the mellifluous chirping of birds, drowns me into slumber.

wandering through the aisles of drowsy nights,

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