Chapter 1: Moved in & Settled

Start from the beginning

“Not that. There was a shadow outside by the window, but when we looked, it was gone,” Louis explains, still not getting off the couch even when Zayn and Niall do.

“Probably just me when I was walking from the truck on the driveway and back in my house.”

“I thought it was a bird!” Niall calls out.

“It was too big to be a bird, Nialler,” Louis dismisses, but follows the other two to get Harry’s other stuff from the moving truck.

“We’re too paranoid. We need to go out tonight and celebrate Harry finally moving to London,” Zayn claims and nods at Niall the grab the other end of a huge box labeled ‘Clothes’, because of course  Harry would have this much clothes. “Just like old times, you know?”

The blond hums in agreement, following after Zayn as they carry the box into the house. Louis is definitely up for that too and says so, but then sighs when he sees the slightly smaller box left in the truck labeled ‘Fragile Trinkets’. Great. Now I have to be ‘very careful’ with this crap, or else Harry will throw a fit, he thinks as he tries to keep from rolling his eyes in distaste at the way Harry labeled the box.

He huffs and carefully picks it up in his arms, hoping the small crash he just heard doesn’t mean he already broke something. I literally just picked it up.

Instead of thinking about it any more than he already has, he shrugs his shoulders and walks back towards the house. But not before he notices a lad possibly younger than him looking over at Harry’s house from next door on the porch. He seems to be smiling and writing something down in a notebook as he keeps glancing at Harry’s house.

“That’s… weird,” Louis breathes out, then walks faster until he reaches the door and takes one last look at this strange neighbour.

He doesn’t expect the other lad to look at him at the exact same time and just stare like his eyes are burning through Louis’. The blue-eyed lad blinks in confusion, then waves hesitantly with one hand, careful not to drop the box in his arms.

The neighbour doesn’t seem too happy about Louis noticing him, though, because he scowls back and walks into his house without a word. Louis decides it’s best to just walk into the house and lock it behind him just in case. You never know with some people these days, he thinks cautiously.

“What took you so long? You only had to carry this one box,” Zayn questions as soon as Louis pushes the door shut behind himself.

“Huh?” Louis asks, still confused about Harry’s neighbour. “Uh, I mean, I got distracted. Can you take this box from me? I need to ask Harry something. And Niall, could you lock the door? Thanks, boys.”

“Okay…?” the other two lads reply and do as he says, raising an eyebrow as Louis heads into the kitchen.

When Louis sees Harry still unpacking the box, he walks over to the counter and takes a seat on it. The taller lad raises an eyebrow, but decides to not scold Louis, knowing him so well that telling him to get off his arse and help would be too much of an effort for either of them. Queen Louis, indeed, Harry thinks.

“So, Harry, have you… met your neighbour?” Louis starts, observing Harry for any reaction, really. “You know, the really fit, brown-haired lad next door? You met him yet?”

“No, not yet. I haven’t even seen him. I didn’t know he was outside. I would’ve greeted him if I saw him.”

“Well, um, don’t? Cuz he’s kinda… What’s the word? – Sketchy? Like, I just waved at him, then he was all rude and walked into his house. I mean, I don’t know how you’d feel if he did that to you, but I  was hurt. I deserve to be treated better than that, don’t you agree, Harold?”

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