purple eyes

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Luke's pov

Zander looks annoyed since all of us just keep staring at him after what he said.Both Hailey and I know that Zander can cause a lot of trouble if he is angry or annoyed. When we decided to let Jake join the club he almost wreck the whole house.

 I whispered to Hailey' I think we should tie him up or something before he cause any trouble because he looked very annoyed.' Hailey nodded slightly and moved away to get a rope.

Zander's pov

I hope my plan is going to work... Luke and Hailey are up to something...

I peeked and saw Hailey grabbing a rope. Oooh... I get it. Last time I almost wrecked the whole house because they let that douchebag join. Now they want to tie me up so I can't cause any trouble.

 I should probably run away now. I don't want to end up tied on a chair and let then continue staring at me like that.

Writer's pov

I guess you are all curious about the plan Zander mentioned just now.

Flash back to when Zander escaped from Drew

Back to Zander's pov...

 Ohhh shoot I accidentally twisted my ankle. It hurts so bad... But I don't want to be beaten by Drew and his gang of bullies. Ohhh I remember there is an alley outside the school! Maybe I can hide there for awhile?

(Zander enters the alley and sits down)Ouch! Guess I can't walk in a while with my ankle hurting like that... By the way who told that DOUCHEBAG that I am gay? Probably Milly... She can't keep any secrets. So it is not fully that douchebag's fault isn't it? But I still can't trust him. Who knows what he will do next? I better keep him away from the club just to be safe... But how?

(Soon Zamder fell asleep)(Midnight and Zander woke because he is cold)

Ugh... Its midnight already. I guess I can head home since my ankle is feeling much better than before.

After Zander arrives home

I'm tired, maybe maybe I can sit on my bed for a while before doing anything else? 

Speaking of which, how can I go to school tomorrow? They will all laugh at me. But actually... If they are going to laugh at me its just a matter of time. Since they will know I'm gay sooner or later. It's just that I hate that DOUCHEBAG being the one who told them so... I should take a bath now, I probably stink...

I walk passed the mirror...

Oh no... Holy Moly... MY BOOTIFUL FACE IS RUINED !!! ( I laughed so hard when I wrote this sentence) I shouldn't have cry so hard just now... 

Wait I have an idea! Maybe I can pretend to be emotionless so Hailey and the others will blame Jake and ban him out of the club!?

 I am such a genius (idiot)! The only thing I have to buy is a pair of purple contact lens online.

510 words

That boi ZanderWhere stories live. Discover now