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Thank you to OliviaJ (Ao3)  for requesting this epilogue/sequel! I hope I didn't torture any of you too much with the first chapter...I feel guilty now.
I kind of understand because I always feel sad when I read this kind of fic.

Apparently, this fic is also a Thominewt, now, since I could not keep it Thominho. What can I say?

The beginning is written in Newt's POV and there'll be a switch in the middle to Minho's POV and then Teresa's. The very end (only) will be Thomas'.

~~~ Newt ~~~

"Newt!" Chuck yelled, waving his arms around joyfully. "It's Thomas!"

Newt yawned, having just gotten up from "bed". "What's 'homas?" He slurred, his voice still very groggy from sleep.

Chuck rolled his eyes. "Thomas died, you Shank!" He said. Newt gave him a glare. He was glad that Tommy was coming to join them, but he'd rather that Thomas had more time with Minho up in the real world. Though he hadn't peered at reality for a long time and considering the list of tasks Alby had set for him last week, Newt thought it was fairly justified.

Wait, what did Chuck say? Thomas died! Newt got out of bed immediately, not caring that he was wearing pyjamas. "C'mon, Chuck, let's go!" He yelled way too enthusiastically for this early in the morning. Not that time really existed in this realm, though they did have ways to keep track of events gone and dates.

"Woah, not so fast, Newt," Chuck said, but his voice fell to deaf ears. Newt was pulling on Chuck's arm persistently, and if it wasn't for the fact that the situation was not funny at all, Newt would have laughed at the comical image he and Chuck made; after all, one of them was abnormally tall and muscled while the other one was fat (sorry Chuck) and short.

"No time, Chuck, c'mon!" Newt's shouting awoke a few of the other Gladers who lived closer by, and they came out of their tents too, their time at the Glade (or outside, if they had survived further than that) giving them fighter senses that had all of them up by the second.

"What's goin' on, Newt?" Alby grumbled. "It's way too early for this klunk," he added.

Newt glared. "Y'all are wasting time," he muttered. "Thomas is here and we need to go greet him."

"He's unconscious and it might be a while," Chuck peeped, probably trying to be helpful but in no way soothing Newt's irritated nerves.

"What do you mean he's unconscious?" Newt cried, his hysteria reaching maximum levels. This wasn't the reunion that he had hoped for.

Teresa peeked out of her hut. "I think he means Thomas is unconscious, Newt," Teresa sassed. After Teresa had died underneath the cement for Thomas, Newt came to terms with her and forgave her, and now they had a tentative relationship with each other. They were the kind of friends to exchange banter and occasionally go to feedback for, but they wouldn't really share their deepest secrets.

Newt shared those secrets with Alby and Teresa with Chuck. Newt didn't really see how a 13 ("I'm 14, Newt!") year old could help with the horror she'd gone through, but to one their own.

"Yes, but why?" Newt demanded. "No one's unconscious when they enter death. At least, not for long."

Alby swallowed. "They'll only be unconscious if they're still processing what happened during their death. Knowing Thomas..."

Newt groaned. Of course, Thomas. Of course. "We should go check on him, anyhow."


Surprisingly, it's Alby who exclaims it in a concerned voice. "Oh, goodness," he murmured. "What happened?"

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