The truth and the price

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"Do you want to return home after lunch? Maybe you caught a slight cold this morning at the so sorry." Takashi said apologetically.

"Oh its okay..I will stay here. There's no one at home too. I will just rest on the sofa."

"You want to borrow my room? Its more comfortable there. But only if you might find it uncomfortable 'cos its a boy's room."

"I will be glad hahaha...i dont mind,really." Haru said. She was over the moon! She could actually sleep in her idol's room!


"Here is it..." Takashi said, opening the door of his room. It was a typical boy's room. An electric guitar stood in a corner. A t-shirt was left on the arm of the study chair. The study desk was cramped with books and a earpiece was thrown absently onto a textbook marked Science. The bed which sat at the deeper side of the room was still rather neat, blue and white bedsheets were crumpled though. A puffy pillow was the only thing on top.

"Sorry..its kind of messy in here.." He said, trying to straighten up the crumpled sheets and blankets.

"Thank you.." Haru nodded and climbed into the soft bed. She felt awfully tired.

"So...sleep well yeah. I-I would head downstairs now." Takashi said and closed the door behind him,leaving Haru alone.

Haru snuggled comfortably in the blanket and placed her head onto the pillow. The entire room was filled with Takashi's scent. "So this is how a boy's room is..."Haru smiled dreamily and soon fell asleep.


"Is she awake yet?" A man asked.

"No..." Haru heard a woman reply."Why is she still not awake..? This is so worrying.."

"...? Mum?" Haru said aloud in her mind. She could not seem to talk or even open her eyes.

"Haru...please wake up soon...if you hear us,please do wake up!" Her father said worriedly.

"Dad?" Haru listened. Under her arms,she felt cold rough sheets. It did not feel like her room's. Where was she? Then she seem to hear phone ringing and several people talking and walking about. It felt like a hospital. It was because it smelled like it.

"Argh...why cant i move?" Haru thought. "My toes..arm..neck..eyes. I cant move any of them!" She started to panick.

"DAD! MUM! IM AWAKE!" Haru yelled but only mentally. "Help...."


"Rei? Are you okay? Rei?" Haru's eyes fluttered open. She was sweating so much that she felt the back of her pullover plaster against her bare skin. Takashi was beside the bed,looking at her with concern.

"Was i dreaming?" Haru whispered.

"It seemed like a nightmare. You were frowning and tossing around." Takashi said softly, patting her sweaty forehead with a piece of tissue.

"But...this is suppose to be a dream..not that..." Haru mumbled.

"...what do you mean?"

"Oh..nothing..I think...i better head home.." Haru muttered, struggling to sit up.

"Okay. I will accompany you." Takashi offered.

"Sorry...i think the bedsheet and pillow case are damp." Haru frowned.

"Oh! Its alright! Its my fault for causing you to be unwell too. C'mon lets go!"


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