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"Haru? Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" Her mother said sternly, as she stepped into the dark room.

Haru was quiet and did not seem to stir at all.

"Haru?! Its 7.30 already! Wake up now!" Her mother raised her voice and drew the curtains. The sunlight shone into Haru's silent room and onto Haru's face. She did not even seem to be bothered by the sudden brightness.

"HARU? THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING!" Her mother warned angrily. " How can you be so lazy? The school examinations are coming, you know?" She pulled away the covers which was covering her daughter's body. Usually, Haru would already wake up and complain about being cold. But Haru was awfully quiet.

"...Haru?" The woman lowered her voice and frowned. She shook the girl's still body, gentlly at first but stronger later.

"Haru? Don't scare me, dear!" Her mother said, eyes opened in bewilderment.She shook Haru's body but she did not wake up at all.

"PAPA! COME UP NOW! THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH HARU!" Her mother yelled, close to tears.

Soon after, Haru's father who was still tying his tie, came rushing up to his daughter's room.

"What is it?" He asked, clearly shocked too.

"S-She wont wake up!" His wife cried.

"Haru?" The man kneeled down beside the bed and called out. He placed a finger under her nose. Still breathing.

"I-I will call the ambulance!" Haru's mother said, running out of the room, the hems of her apron which was stained with sauce, flapping madly.

"Whats this...?" Haru's father stood up and noticed a glass containing tea leaves on the bed side table. 


"There's nothing wrong with your daughter." The doctor said, calming the crying mother down.

"T-Then why..why is she not waking up?!" She said, eyes red.

"Did she eat anything out of the ordinary? But we did not find any sleeping medications in her intestine."

"Doc, I found this in her room..do you know what is it?" The father said, passing a transparent bag containing tea leaves.

"Tea leaves? Looks common to me.."

"O-Oh yes. She has been drinking that since a few days ago." The mother said.

"Why didnt you tell me?!" The father said, angrily.

"HOW WOULD I KNOW? IF I-I HAD KNOWN...I WOULDNT..." His wife broke down once again.

"Now..Now...Sir, Ma'am .I will get it tested. We do not know if this is the cause yet. Please calm down and you may visit Haru in ward D. I will call your husband immediately once i get the results." The doctor assured the worried couple.

"Okay...thank you very much,Dr Nagami. " 


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