Sapnap blushed slightly at Bad's words as Illumina coughed from behind them, announcing his entrance as he walked into the room. He was the only one to come out of the fire unscathed, no soot dusting his eyelashes, no bloodied bandages wrapped around him, unlike almost everyone else in the room. Illumina noticed the hostile stares instantly but shrugged them off and raised his hand in greeting, his dark eyes catching Bad and Skeppy, and he gave a small chuckle.

"Glad you two finally worked it out between you guys." Illumina crossed his arms, his eyes flickering in the torchlight. "But you've got to admit, Bad, that it was pretty obvious."

The people in the room burst out laughing as Bad frowned at the man in the ninja mask, Skeppy blushing fiercely under his arm. The tension that had been in the room earlier lessened slightly as Illumina took his spot across from Dream, looking relaxed and calm.

"Who are we still waiting for?" Fruitberries asked, his voice carrying a slight bite of impatience as he tapped his fingers on the stone table.

"Eret, Spifey and Mr. Beast, I think." TimeDeo looked up from the net he was knotting together, his sunglasses pushed over his eyes, his orange shirt slightly torn and burnt, looking tired and worn. "Then we can start."

"Why did you call us here anyway, Deo?" False Symmetry spun her throwing knives in her hands, her belt lined with a dozen more small daggers, making Dream glad she was on their side, a frightening look in her eyes. "I've sat here for quite some time, and you still haven't told us what's going on."

Everyone stared at her as she threw her knives across the room, burying them inches from Antfrost's face. His eyes widened as she casually walked over to him and pulled the knives out of the wall and sat back down, twirling them in her hands again.

"False, put down the knives." Ant flinched slightly as she turned towards him. "You're really starting to scare me."

False just rolled her eyes and sheathed her knives, the dangerous look never leaving her face, seeming even more frightening with her knives than without. She glared at them all for a moment, the silence in the room pressing in on it, when it was suddenly broken. The sound of running footsteps echoed through the hallway, and everyone spun around, facing the entrance to the cave as the person drew closer and closer. Everyone pulled out their weapons, except False, who just leaned back and rolled her eyes again. The footsteps slowed to a walk, the person just outside the stone entranceway, everyone inside poised and ready to strike.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm-" Spifey paused at the entrance, eyes wide as he took in the entire room, minus False, with their weapons out and pointed at him. "Um... did I do something?"

Dream took in a breath of relief, the threat eliminated as Spifey walked into the meeting cavern, taking his usual spot, and sitting down cautiously.

"Sorry, Spifey." Bad smiled at the man in the brown hoodie, and he grinned back. "We're all just a little jumpy."

"It's all right. I know how you guys feel." Spifey leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed behind his head. "So, what are we here for?"

"Well, once Mr. Beast gets here, I'll fill you guys in." Deo brushed some of his hair out of his eyes as he swept his gaze around the room. "If he ever shows up."

"I can go look for him." Fruitberries volunteered, standing up, Illumina beside him, nodding.

"I'll go as well." Dream rose to his feet as well. "The more the merrier, plus this isn't exactly a small tunnel system."

Dream, Fruit, and Illumina ran out of the room, the gazes of everyone at the table following them out, the white cloth hung over the entrance flapping shut behind them. The trio raced through the main passage, and down a nearby corridor, the tunnel splitting into four sections. They paused, skidding to a halt at the divide, their hands on their weapons, the torchlight illuminating their masks.

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