The beginning of the games

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A knock lands on Nik's door. I don't move, but at the second nock, I quickly get up and shake Nik awake. "Nik, we can't let them know I was here!" I whisper. "It's ok, let them know it's fine." He assures me. I bring my courage up and open the door. They all stare at me in a shock expression. "You weren't in your room, we didn't know where you were." Jasey says, breaking the silence. Finnick's face is as white as paper. He turns around and walks towards the dining table, what's up with him? "Sorry Jasey, I couldn't sleep." I say. " didn't..." "OMG NO JASEY STOP!" I yell. She giggles and tell me to get ready before she leaves.

I close the doors, relieved. "Come here Annie." Nik says. I slowly walk towards him. "Annie, I promise that whatever happens in the arena, I love you," He says while stroking my red hair. "you have to promise me that you will always remember that." I nod. I get up and walk out the door, going back to my room to get ready.


I am left in the elevator with Finnick. He is bringing me to a room where Jena is. But before he opens the door, he says, "I just wanted to say that I am betting on you. You can do this, you will win." I sweetly smile at him. He kisses my forehead and I open the door. I am met by Jena, holding a jacket made of polyester. She zips it up and puts my hair in a messy bun. "Win this Annie, oh Annie please win." She sadly looked at me. I nod and hug her tight. I get in the tube and soon after I get lifted up to a bright sunlight. I look around getting used to the surroundings. 30..29..28..27..I'll miss you district four...26..25..24..23..I'll miss you Jasey..22..21..20..19..18..17..I'll miss you mom..16..15..14..13..I'll miss you dad..12..11..10..9..I'll miss you Georgie..8..7..6..5..Thank you Finnick..4..3..2..1..I'll miss you Emmy..BANG. I run, I run so fast I don't even know what is happening around me. I am focusing on getting that trident. When I reach it, somebody grabs me and we tumble down. It's Emerauld. "What the hell are you doing?" I scream. She doesn't respond, her eyes are like fire, they aren't the dark green shade anymore. It's replaced by a black and furious sight. I dodge all her attacks and I manage to knock her off of me. I quickly grab my trident and dodge her knife that she launched towards me. I throw my trident and it surprisingly lands in her chest. I killed someone, a teenager, my ally. I turn around and see Nik's questioning and angry face. "Why the hell did you kill her?" "She tried to kill me! I was defending myself!" I respond, "Why are you even mad, its one less for you to kill!" I yell. "It's because they loved each other." Rodrick says. No...what? How is this even happening?! I look at Nik in a furious expression. All he does is look at his feet. "Ariel, I was..." he tries to grab my arm, but I quickly shake it off. "NO! NO! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH!" "Ariel, pls I can explain." I shake my head and run towards the dark forest. I can hear him scream my name, but I ignore him, I ignore the guy that I loved, he probably just used me, but didn't expect Rodrick to tell me this soon. I just figured out his whole plan, his evil and disgusting plan. He made me trust him, fall in love with him, but he didn't succeed. I guess he should have told his "allies" his plan sooner. I grin at that thought. I have grown a big hatred towards him in such a short amount of time. I hate being used, especially by someone I loved, someone I trusted.

I lay down, tired from all that running. I search in the backback I managed to grab before running into the deep forest. A empty bottle of water, a beef jerky pack, a few crackers, a water purifier and a small aid-kit. The first thing that comes in my mind is to find water, since I don't have any at the moment.


It has probably been at least an hour since I opened my bag. I am tired and dehydrated. My dried throat is killing me, I hope that Finnick gives me a sponsor. I need water. As I am thinking of this, I hear a beeping sound. I look up and see my dream. A sponsor! I quickly open it but to my surprise a note is the only thing that is inside. I open it carefully and read it.

Almost there Annie.


I sigh. I continued walking and quickly enough, I found a lake! I immediately open my water bottle and fill it up, then I add a few drops of water purifier. I gulp half of it down, then fill it back up. I leave the lake right away, knowing that this isn't a safe spot to be.

Night has quickly fallen. About ten tributes are gone in the first night. I fall asleep with tears in my eyes. I miss you Nik.

Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter, but it's really late and I am tired, but I really wanted to publish it. So yeah, next chapter will be longer. :)

Thank you for reading <3


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