In the Capitol

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The train arrives, and since district four isn't that far from the Capitol, it wasn't that long.

I see Nik waving and yelling, and Finnick just stares in the audience and smiles. I can't help, but smile too. Not at the audience, but at Finnick.

"Let's get out of this train and wave at our fans!" yells Jasey.

"Ugh, again." Finnick says sarcastically.

We wave, they cheer, they yell, they scream. I can't handle it anymore!

I just woke up in an empty grey surroundings and I am lying on a flat, hard platform. "No," I said to myself. "I did not pass out in the crowd."

"Don't worry dear, you're fine." said a strange high pitched voice.

"I'm Pika, she's Jolly and he's Pick. We are your prep team," She said smiling. "and we are here to make your body look magnificent!" I look down at my nude body, I didn't realize that I am nude on a platform while three people are staring at me! "Ummm," I said "what am I doing here?" "Oh don't worry, we are just waxing your body dear, don't worry, it won't hurt much." One of my prep team member, with the rainbow, puffy hair.

They waxed my entire body and by the seventh strip, I yell in pain.

"Don't worry dear, it's ok." The member with the long, extremely long orange hair says calmly, like it's nothing.


"But your eyebro..." "No, let's get out she's having a meltdown." They say.

I am so angry, I feel like I'm about to explode.

I hear someone opening the door. "Didn't you hear me?! I said..."

"Calm down, Annie." I hear Finnick's voice and it calms me down a little.

I just realized that I'm naked, so I quickly get a nightgown from the side and wear it as fast as I could.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I see a naked woman." Finnick says.

"But it bothers me." I reply.

"Well, you are not like the Capitol citizens." He says, "Oh, I think your stylist is coming. You have, oh, Jena! She's great, you'll be alright."

In my heart, I don't want him to leave, I feel a sudden connection with him.

While he opens the door, Jena walks in.

"Well, well, Annie, right?" She asks.

"Euh...yes ma'am," I say, " I'm sorry for my prep team."

"Oh that's totally fine." She says while measuring my body.

" Finnick is right, you are very beautiful." She says, I think she is continuing, but I don't hear or feel anything, I just reply a nod or shake.

Did Finnick really think I'm beautiful?! Wow.

I see my beautiful costume, full of nets and seashells. Beautiful. I get to my chariot and pet the horses.

" It will be easy to make the crowd like you." I turn around and see a giant tribute from district 2, I think. "Well, I don't know about that." I reply " Oh, really? You made me like you instantly." He says while smirking. "I'm sorry, but you're really not my type." I say with a grin. "Tributes mount up, I repeat tributes mount up." I hear the speaker say. "We will talk later." He whispers in my ear.

I mount the chariot and get ready. " Who was he?" Nik says next to me. "He was trying to seduce me to use me in the games." I reply.

" Oh well, I'm not the only one then." He says while grinning.

I smile in disgust and turn my head towards the entrance of the opening ceremony. My chariot starts to move and i almost tumble off, but Nik grabs me just in time. " Got you." He says with a grin. "Uhh." I disgustingly respond. " No thank you?" He asks, "Thank you." I say with rolling my eyes.

After the ceremony and Snow's boring little speech, i head back to my quarters.

I head to my room and I see a note on my bed.

Come to the roof.

I am so sorry guys, for not updating for the longest time ever! With everything going on, I think I might be able to update more since I have online school and I can just finish it fast so I can write.

Thank you so much for staying here, I really appreciate it <3


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