[ two ]

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- veracella cullen, 2012, present time -

Veracella Cullen was silent as she crouched down, peering at a naive human walking into the dark alleyway.

What were they, drunk?

She sighed, setting herself down gently on the ground, before walking slowly towards the good-as-dead mortal.

Upon closer inspection, it was clear that the person [Veracella didn't want to assume their gender, even if they looked like a male] was drunk to the point that their eyes were red.

"Hello? Who's there?" The disoriented human lazed, their eyes a light red from the booze that they'd been consuming, "Come out! Hey!"

"Shh," Vera placed a long finger to their mouth, "You don't want to make a single sound, okay? Just keep... quiet..."

The woman slowly bit into the shivering human's neck, drawing blood with a soft smile as she let the taste linger on her tongue-

"I didn't know that you were erotic with your kills now."

Veracella didn't bother looking up, instead focusing on finishing the process of drawing blood from the now unconcious person, "Why are you here again?"

"I need help, and, well, no one would volunteer to ask you."

"Bring Esme over here, and maybe I'll consider the offer, Carlisle."

Veracella finished her meal, so to speak, and let the person flop over onto the cold concrete floor, before turning to the blonde man and his wife.

"She's right here," Esme smiled softly, the short brunette walking over to her friend, "It's been a while, Vera."

"That is has," Varicella nodded, embracing her friend. She couldn't bring herself to a smile, no matter how much Esme radiated happines, "How are you, my friend?"

"Truth be told, I've been better," Esme sighed, before taking Veracella's hand gently, and leading her towards the man that Veracella hated speaking to, "Would you help me out? My family?"

The red-head hesitated, "With what, exactly? Don't lie to me, Esme. I know that I'm not the first person for your coven to ask for help-"



"We're a family," Esme lifted her chin, "Not a coven."

"Wow," Vera shook her head, "You really never change, do you, my friend?"

"Never have, never will," Esme giggled, leaning into Vera's chest.

The plump woman was the only one that could tame the other vampire, and she used her power to the fullest extent.

"Anyways, what is your elegant self doing in the slums of New Orleans?" Vera asked, eyes searching Esme's, "I know your lovely husband over there wouldn't want to dirty his shoes here, so-"

"Vera," Esme warned, "Please, just help me. Look at me; I'm the one that needs the help here, okay?"

"Fine," Veracella swallowed the sour words that threatened to come out, "I'll help you out."

"Okay," Esme nodded slowly, "But I can't tell you now, okay? Just, just come to our hom-"

"Esme. That's too far, too much, even for me," Veracella drew back, pain evident in her voice, "Don't make me go there, please."

"I have to," Esme whispered, "I don't want you to be hurt, please, but this is urgent, Vera. If you don't help us out, then, well, I'll most likely die."

"Damnit," Vera cursed at herself, "I'll go to your pretty little house, then. Two days. Just give me two days to get myself ready. Is that okay for your precious timeline?"

"Thank you, Vera," Esme hugged the woman tightly.

Veracella hadn't, and still didn't understand how Esme still respected, even loved her, especially after how Vera'd treated her.

"You know where we are," Esme drew back, giving Vera a soft smile, "I'll see you."

She walked back to Carlisle, and they flashed away without another glance.

"Well then," Veracella sighed, looking back at the lifeless body.

"Time to go, I suppose."

-veracella cullen, 20 minutes later -

"I'm sorry, Vanessa," Veracella said into the open yet musty air, "I don't know when I'll be back."

No answer. As per usual.

The woman stroked the picture of her blonde daughter, the last remnants of her anyway, and tucked the framed photo in her bag with a tired sigh.

She was tired of it all.

Vera had attempted to kill herself, to put it quite frankly.

What, maybe a couple of years ago?

Yes, well, Veracella'd just realized that she meant nothing to the world, except thinning out the population of humans in Detroit, so she'd jumped off a cliff.

She'd let herself burn herself alive.

She'd even let herself go to the Volturi of all people.

But they wouldn't kill her either way; Aro called her power 'indispensable', whereas Veracella called it a pain to own.

"I'll come back to you, Vanessa," The woman told the precious picture, "I'll be safe, I promise. I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Perhaps the most painful thing about this immortality, other than the fact that her daughter wasn't there with her?

Her husband [the two never cared to talk to each other again, and definitely not get a divorce], Carlisle, wasn't even her mate.

She didn't have one.

And Veracella was alone, as always.

- - -

don't come for me okay i did
say coming soon alright?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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