Mission Gone...Wrong - Cal Kestis

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79. "I literally don't think I could live without you."

106. "Are you kidding me? You're beautiful."


"Nope. No. No way. Not in my life. Never."

"Y/N, it's just a dress."

"You take that back Cere," she gasped, "that thing is a monster. It's huge, poofy, and it doesn't have any pockets! It's pink for crying out loud, it's disgusting! Bleh!"

"Well I think it's beautiful. Besides, we need you for this mission. Cal can't show up at this gala alone."

"Then Merrin should go. A Jedi Knight and a Nightsister are better than a Jedi Knight and an ex-Padawan."

"Merrin would be easily set apart from the others. It's rare to find a Nightsister off of their home planet. And Y/N, being an ex-Padawan doesn't make any difference. You're just as strong and brave as Cal is."

"I beg to differ, but I'll take the compliment."

Cere was going to try and convince Y/N more when Cal and Greez entered the Mantis. But when the duo made eye contact with the dress, there was nothing but full blown laughter. Smart remarks and comments were shared between them, leaving Cere to stare at them unimpressed and Y/N to hate the dress even more. She snatched the dress out of Cere's arms, grumbling about how stupid it was, and stomped back to her room.

"This day can't get any worse, can it?" Cere said to herself.


It had been a few hours, Y/N hiding in her room until Cere reminded her she needed to be ready for the gala. Cere had dropped off the extra accessories for Y//N's outfit and helped with the process. She left Y/N looking beautiful, but Y/N thought otherwise.

Pink? Disgusting. Poofy? Uncomfortable. Satin gloves? Unnecessary.

Y/N walked, more like shuffled due to the heels, towards the mirror and found someone else looking at her. She wasn't used to these big dresses or the fancy hairstyles or the makeup that made her look oh so elegant. She knew her Master went on missions like these alone because she was younger and new to the danger of the enemy. These missions were deemed too dangerous for her. It was for the best, as her Master came back with at least a few scratches. The Padawan was hardly introduced to the true danger of the Separatists due to her shyness and fear. Y/N didn't have the chance to grow out of it due to Order 66 being executed. Her fears worsened and darkness clouded around her when her Master was killed. But that's a story for another time...

The sound of knocking on her door drew Y/N out of her trance. She looked up right as the door hissed and opened. Cal walked in fiddling with his tie, looking for a problem that didn't exist.

"Hey Y/N, Cere wanted me to tell you we're 10 minutes away. And I figured you could help me with uhh..."

He looked up at Y/N and froze. He was speechless. She looked...perfect. Even though she didn't like it, pink seemed to be her colour. She...

"...al? Cal? Is there something you needed?"

"Huh? Oh, uh yeah! There's something wrong with my tie, it won't tie right."

"Really? Something's wrong with the tie?" She smirked slowly walking towards him, " I just think you don't know how to tie a tie."

She took over for Cal, leaving them in silence. He gazed down at her, the love clear in his eyes.

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