Monster - Supernatural

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Searing Pain.

The feeling of hopelessness.

The pain of being pushed to the brink.

She didn't want to do it, she knew falling would only bring more pain. But if it got her away from her stupid brothers, then maybe it could be worth it.

Free falling until she hit the center of the country, creating shockwaves felt everywhere. Many thought of it as a sign of the Apocalypse, and maybe it was. No, not The Apocalypse, but one no one would see coming.

Hitting the Earth knocked the breath out of her vessel, but it remained intact. A crater that would puzzle the planet was left behind.

What fell from space and created a hole in the shape of a bird?

An angry archangel with broken wings.


Hundreds of years later...

Murdering her brothers and sisters isn't what Y/N planned for her future, but it's what it came to be. After all, they were destroying her creations. The angels wouldn't stop until every one of them was gone, and they were succeeding.

The Dark Angels appeared after Y/N hit the Earth all those years ago. An army of them soon emerged and a war was started.

A rogue archangel against Heaven.

Of course, she lost as Heaven was still under God's rule. And it only made her angrier.

All that was left were three, the Queen of Dark Angels herself and two loyal followers. The others were slaughtered or turned into one of God's angels. With every Dark Angel lost, the more hopelessness and despair she felt. The loneliness only grew.

"Mistress, I...I've come bearing bad news."

"What is it, Lira."

"Nathan and I were scouting the area per your request and the angels....they attacked before we even knew they were there. We tried to leave but the battle had already started. Nathan's gone and soon I will be too."

"Lira, what are you saying..." She turned to see Lira with her dark angel blade sticking out of her chest.

"Didn't let them take my blade," she laughed breathily, "but damn do they hurt like hell. Get it?"

"Lira!" Y/N caught her as she fell.

"It's okay, it isn't your fault. I made this choice and I'm happy I did. I met someone who believed in me."

"Don't say-"

"This is goodbye Y/N, thank you...for everything."

Her body fell limp. The last was gone. The angels had succeeded. Y/N was nothing once more. If she made more Dark Angels, it would only be a matter of time before Heaven found her.

The wind picked up. A storm was brewing. Rain poured and lightning struck.

Y/N let out an agonizing scream and the Earth shook with it.

She stood with Lira's body in her arms, red eyes blazing, wings flared.

"You want a fight. Well Dad you're gonna get one."


The Winchesters, 3 Months Later...

"What kind of supernatural bitch would cause all that? A demon Sam."

"I'm telling you, it's way too powerful to just be a couple of demons."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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