The two of them now stood over her, one, a Jackal, was smiling with her hammer over his shoulder and the other, a rabbit that was holding his left arm. She couldn't even look at them. She was sure this was the end.

"Well, well looks like we found one, a genuine leaguer," said the Rabbit. Although he tried to hide it, there was a quiver of fear in his voice.

"I-I Don't know what you're talking about," she said coldly, but there was a small shudder of pain in in her voice as she was clutching her now bleeding stomach.

"Oh, don't be so modest! Now which one are you? Clearly not the Thief or the Goddess, no wings or magic." The one with her hammer boomed as he reached for her hood.

She tried to move away but his rough hand grabbed the back of her brown hood, and yanked it down, revealing her soft pink quills, pulled back in to a high pony tail, instead of their usual bob. She glared at them with hatred burning in her deep, green, almost turquois, eyes. It was clear who she was.

"Well, it looks like we got the Heart, or do we call you by your true name? Miss Amy Rose?" said the Jackal in a mocking tone. "Oh, wait I'm sorry I mean Mrs. Amy Rose Hedgehog. Or can we even call you that now that So-"

"DON'T SAY THAT NAME! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SAY THAT NAME!" Amy shouted, as a new crop of warm tear came to sting her eyes. She tried to lunge at them but the pain of the ripped stitches caused her to double over again. "Y-you don't deserve t-to s-say that name."

"HAHA! This is the mighty, Amy Rose?" the Jackal laughed.

She sighed "What do you want?" Amy said quietly.

"What?" said the rabbit.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? You didn't just follow me in to the woods, for no reason and if you wanted me dead then you have already killed me," said Amy.

"Oh, nothing much, it's just that his majesty wants to see you." Said the Jackal.

"Oh, he wants to see me? AFTER ALL HE HAS DONE TO ME! HE THINKS HE CAN JUST SEE ME?! HE'S TAKEN MY HOME, MY FAMILY, MY LOVE! EVERYTHING! Everything." Said Amy. "If he wants to see me then you have to kill me first. The only ways he is going to see me is as a corpse, or as his killer."

"Wow, the legends always said you have a temper," said the Rabbit, "Now, don't makes this difficult."

"I'M NOT GOING ANY WHERE AND TH-" Amy shouted, but she would never finish that sentence, the hammer was swung, hitting her head, and sending her now unconscious body crashing onto the snow.

"What are you two doing?" said, a brown cat that walked up from behind them, "His majesty wanted her alive and unharmed!"

"Whoops," said the Jackal.

"Hey, it's not like she was going to come willingly," said the Rabbit.

"It doesn't matter! We have orders. Come on let's hope that we can keep at least one of those conditions," said the Cat.

The three of them lifted Amy off of the ground and carried her away. Only leaving the blood and tear-soaked snow behind. After that night, Amy Rose was never seen again, dead or alive. Another hero was now gone, but not all hope was lost...


Through forest and field, the small basket flowed down the river. The rocking motion kept the cargo it carried quiet, so no one payed it much mind. Until it came to the Wood Zone.

Two young wolves, one had dark chocolate brown fur that shone in the sun light, and large ruby red eyes, the other had golden sunshine fur and bright green eyes. They were down by the river bank to fish and harvest the wild berries that grew next to the lake nearby.

A Second Wind: Book One, A Legacy FoundWhere stories live. Discover now