Chapter 7: The Questions Haunting Me

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A hot cup of tea was sitting her desk. Though by the time she would actually drink it the soothing elixir would probably have gone cold. Aunt Maria's gleaming pale blue eyes, stared intently at the newspapers on her desk. She shifted the pile with one hand and plucked up one of the papers from the bottom of the stack. The headline, read in bold black letters, "MYSTERIOUS FIRE BURNS DOWN STORAGE SILO!"

She raised a brow, "hum, not a bad cover up," She thought, before letting the paper flop back down onto the desk.

She should be happy, all of the scrubbing had already been done by Scourge's lackies, as he didn't want the conflict out to the public just yet. So, that was less work for them. Things since then were working out as well, Mari and Angie had been taking on more duties with the resistance. Such as delivering information, and gathering evidence; nothing too dangerous. There was just something that wasn't right, something that she missed, something that didn't click with the rest of this pleasant picture.

She picked up another paper, this one dated a few weeks ago, "FAMILY SAVED FROM HOUSE FIRE BY MYSTERIOUS BLUE STREAK," she picked up another paper, "BLUE BLURR STOPS BANK ROBBERY," and finally, "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG SIGHTED; IS THE HERO BACK BEYOND THE GRAVE!?"

She shook her head, knowing she should have expected this. She had been watching the boys work for the last few weeks from a far, and it was perhaps time that she approached them. While, they're endeavors, although dangerous, we're clearly done in good intentions. Sadly, no matter how good said intentions were, she couldn't let this continue.

The traffic noise was clanging in his ears, while the crisp chilly autumn wind made his quills twitch. Zephyr leaned over the rooftop's edge, as he looked over Refuge City. The night time view wasn't the best on Mobius, but that didn't really matter at the moment. After the last full moon, Zephyr pondered for days on how he could practice being in the field, without doing the level of missions that Angie and Mari were now doing every other week.

He was getting nowhere until he asked himself, 'What did his father do when he started out?' Sadly, he didn't have a Dr. Eggman around, so for the last few weeks he had started stopping robberies, and saving people from house fires. Honestly, had it felt nice doing something that could help people with his powers; it was fulfilling. Now, he wasn't entirely stupid, he took precautions to help keep him and his identity safe. He always did this at night, wore the make up that made him look like raccoon, and even got a ground control.

"Zephyr?" Speaking of...

"I'm here, Sparky," Zephyr said into his communicator, "What do you got for me?"

"You're going to like this one. Kitten up a tree, on the corner of 63rd and 5th."

A cheeky grin split on Zephyr's face and he started towards the trouble. Honestly, his superpowers made it incredibly easy to get around any environment (especially since he'd learned to run up walls). So, getting to those who needed help wasn't really a problem. And solving the issue was perfectly easy, grab the kitty (or whatever it was), and drop it into the arm of the owner, and get away before anyone sees his face. It was quick, and secretive. But how he wished he could stay and watch the reaction of the people he'd helped.

He ducked back into a dark alley, hiding himself once the deed was done. He pressed his back against the cold rough brick wall, and took a settling breath. His dry throat swallowed with confusion and his brows creased.

"Hey, uh Sparky," Zephyr said into his communicator.

"What's going on? Are you okay? You sound freaked out."

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