⍟Festival of dreams⍟

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Please feel free to ask any questions! This is a huge task for me as well so I would love to try and clear up any confusion!

Oh and if you have any suggestions for names, please tell me lol



The world of pokemon. Wondrous and mysterious. Full of danger and adventure. If just so happened that a certain orange-haired boy was born into a strange world. His small tuft of orange hair had almost become an icon in his small mountain top village. The Hinata's had been one of the founders of their small village, watching it slowly grow and grow, until it was now a civilized town with a working economy.

On a bright day when no clouds were in the sky and the radiant sun glared down onto the mountain top, a wondrous event was happening in the town of Lki. It was a traditional event that everyone including their mayor came to watch. Every year, a few of the children of the small town would be picked out of a hat. Qualifications for this competition weren't all that hard, as long as you were over the age of 14 and under the age of 20, the odds were as good as the persons next to you. The prize for winning? Getting the chance to leave the village on a Pokemon adventure, they would even provide your Pokemon, This event went by the name "Festival of dreams".

The so-called "Festival of dreams" lived up to its name. Every year, stalls and fair rides would be set up, and outsiders would be allowed to enter the village, but only for a night. According to the people and pokemon that go to this event, it was worth it. Not only do they enjoy themselves with the rare foods and rides, but the people also get to see the smiles of young teenagers who get the chance to leave their boring life behind.

It just so happened that a young boy named Shoyo Hinata turned 15. It has been his dream ever since seeing a certain trainer that had gone by the name of Tenma Udai. The man had eagerly taken up the opportunity to leave the boring village behind and start a life of his own with his new pokemon, Eevee.

Now as he had come of age, stars shone in his eyes as he stood off to the side with his family, eagerly awaiting the results. Cheers and screams were heard as the royal-like mayor strolled up to the stage. He walked up to the dark wooden lectern and coughed into the microphone, a sign of everyone to quieten down. Hinata who was eager to hear the results was jumping up and down, completely blocking out the useless speech of their mayor. That was until one line caught his attention.

"Now for the first name, Taniguchi Chiyo" a smug-looking girl pranced up to the stage.

"The second name, Hitoka Yachi" a small girl with blonde hair slowly dragged her feet towards the stage, obviously not wanting to get picked.

"Now, for the last and final name, Itoh Kurou"

Hinata felt his stomach drop. Even though it was his first year, there was an overwhelming feeling of disappointment of not being chosen. All he could do was watch as the final male strode up to the stage, full of pride and joy.

"Do all of you accept this one in a lifetime chance?"

There was a moment of silence while the crowd held their breath.

"U-uh I would like to stay" all eyes went to the blonde girl on stage.

She was trembling with anxiety, Hinata knew. They had been great friends since birth and had discussed what they would do if they were called up many times.

"Hitokoa Yachi, you are forfeiting your right to adventure into the open world. Do you want to do this" was the reply


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