⍟ Taking on the storm ⍟

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I'm an idiot haha. In the previous chapter, I said they would be using two pokemon each, I lied, they get one pokemon each.

Sorry and hope you enjoy it!


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"The double gym battle with the contestants, gym leader Kei Tsukkishima along with Tadashi Yamaguchi, will face off against the two challengers, Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama, will now commence"

With no hesitation, the two gym leaders threw out their pokeballs in sync, the blonde watching with a bored expression on his face while the smaller male look determined. The two cheering pokemon emerged from the red mist, Plusle and Minun, both similar yet very different.

Yamaguchi was in charge of the light blue one, Minun. From what Kageyama and Hinata could tell, it was an electric type.

As if they were matching, Tsukkishima was the trainer of the Plusle, it's red cheeks sparking with electricity.

"Go Bagon!" the orange haired boy cheered, watching as his dragon type pokemon appeared, ready to go.

"Idiot" his partner whispered under his breath "Lucario, let's help this dumbass"

Now, with four pokemon on the dusted arena, the battle was officially underway, no one was holding back, it was all or nothing.

"Let's start this off with a thunder," the blonde haired male pushed his glasses up before rolling his sleeves off his forearms, giving his opponents a sly smirk.

"You too Minun, use a thunder to help out" Yamaguchi called.

Jumping in the air, the two electric type pokemon started buzzing, static bouncing off each other's cheeks. As if connected in soul and mind, a huge light seemingly exploded up near the glass roof, causing the opponents to shy away at the great light.

As the great light cleared, everyone turned back to see the catastrophe that had been rained upon the battlefield.

To everyone's surprise, Lucario and Bagon were still standing, covered in small scratches but otherwise almost perfectly fine, both of the pokemon now shrugging off their injuries and ready to lash out and win.

"Cover me" Kageyama whispered "Lucario, use sword dance"

Taking the message, Hinata went full throttle "Bagon, dragon breath"

Leaping in front of Lucario who was charging up his power boost, the small pokemon opened its mouth and released a large flame likeburst, purples and blues mixing, dipping in and out of each other as the head of a dragon took shape in leading the fire.

"Dodge" the gym leaders said in unison, watching their pokemon narrowly miss the powerful dragon move.

"Use quick attack on Lucario," Tsukkishima said, pointing his index finger at the standing pokemon who had almost finished powering up, the sword-like holograms around him almost dancing to a beat.

The small Plusle sped off, passing the Bagon with ease, heading straight for its target. Time seemed to slow down, Lucario taking one glance at the incoming move and knowing if there was crossfire, it would be over.

In a last second move, the pokemon used all of his power, focusing it in it's paw and swinging it upward, catching the smaller pokemon off guard as it went flying through the air, quickly recovering and landing delicately on the opposite side.

Yet, the battle wasn't over yet. As that had been happening, the Minun had been charging up it's electricity, storing it in its cheeks. As it made a beeline for the poor Bagon, all Hinata could do was desperately call out to it, attempting to save it from a horrible loss.

"Use bite before it's too late-" his tone was desperate, almost pleading that his pokemon would be fine.

Hearing its trainer's voice, the dragon type pokemon opened its jaw once again, its sharp teeth almost glowing. Yet it was too late, Minun had reached Bagon, letting out a huge bolt of thunder... yet not all was lost just yet.

As if it were a miracle, somehow the dragon pokemon had latched it's teeth onto the cheering pokemon, refusing to let go even as the relentless shocks ran through it.

Just as Lucario and Plusle finished their part of the fight, Bagon started to glow, the bright light overpowering even the static still coming off Minun who had now let go in fear of what was happening.

Things started to change, abnormal shapes merging into the pokemon, jutting out, the Bagon now becoming a moving ball of light, a strange moving object. As the light finally died down, a collective gasp from Kageyama and Hinata could be heard, the pair in awe at what had just happened.

The small Bagon that had been replaced, now a sphere like pokemon. As the orange haired male quickly grabbed the Pokedex out of his pocket, he squinted at the screen, reading over a pokemon called 'Shelgon''s information.

A small pokemon with a hard and heavy shell, making it more difficult to move, thus making it's movements more sluggish. As Hinata scanned over the entry one last time, he made sure to note of the new move his pokemon had learned... prepared to use it in battle when needed.

"Well, this might be interesting," Tsukkishima cackled from the other side of the gym.

"Doesn't mean we're holding back on you" Yamaguchi continued with enthusiasm "Now Minun, finish it off with a Thunder!"

"Plusle, use thunder"

Just like the battle had begun, the two pokemon leaped up at incredible speed, their bodies radiating electricity and static energy, their shadows deep on the ground from the sunlight shining from above them, yet this time Hinata and Kageyama were prepared.

"Sheldon, use dragon breath!"

"Bone Rush"

After a singular glance, the pokemon ran forward, the Lucario taking off a split second before the smaller pokemon. With the incoming electricity threatening to knock them out, Sheldon lashed out, releasing his dragon breath and ridding the battlefield of the opposing attack.

Seeing the chance and taking it, Lucario leapt forward, aiming straight for the two cheering pokemon, refusing to hold back. With one punch, he sent the two unsuspecting pokemon flying backwards, both now lying almost lifeless on the floor.

The referee stared down at the two pokemon, ready to make her decision.

"Both Minun and Plusle are unable to battle, making Kageyama and Hinata the winner"

As Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi drew in their pokemon with soft welcomings and 'good job's, the challengers cheered, running over to Lucario and Sheldon and enveloping them in hugs, praising them for their win.

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Woof, that battle seemed hard!


Weirdest thing in your fridge/pantry right now?

Teriyaki Marinade probably... I mean there probably worse...


Stay safe everyone and remember you can message me whenever!



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