Chapter 9

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Before I begin I would just like to thank everyone who was willing to be patient with me for not updating for months and was willing to wait. This chapter is for you, for being with me all these years and I'm sorry I'm one of those annoying authors who don't update for months/years or abandoned their stories. I hate when they do that and yet I'm one of them. So I'm so sorry for not updating regularly. Now enjoy. ☺

My chest was burning, if I don't end this soon I'll faint from the seal that is making me so weak I can't even handle these small fry. If I had my full strength then it would have been over in less then a minute. I'm breathing heavy and I feel tired.

"Ok Hinata let's get this over with" cause we only have a few minutes at most before I collapse. I get into a fighting stance and Hinata does so too. She hesitates but comes straight at me. I'm a lot slower then before but I still manage to dodge all her attacks.

"Come on Hinata you can do it. He's slowing down" someone yells from the crowd I was to busy dodging and catching my breath to even bother see who said that. The fight with Hinata is very much like when I fought Neji. Well they are from the same clan so they would have the same fighting style. With me knowing her fighting style and moves its best to end the fight now before I pass out from this pain. She comes at me head on, I step forward and a bit to the side so I'm on the side of her blocking her move with her side wide open, I stab my elbow into her with Hinata flinching and falling back but she catches herself and continues using taijutsu head on trying to hit my chakra points which is useless considering I'm not using any chakra. I'll test another theory. She stopped attacking me when I was talking to Kakashi and the others. I pretend that I'm injured, clushing my arm to my chest in pain. Although I guess its not that far off. As soon as Hinata sees that I've stopped and am in pain she stops attacking. Kami why can't she treat this like a real fight, I said at the beginning to not hold back. I stand back up. Act over I say;

"Why'd you stop? I gave you a chance to win"

"Y-y-you w-were hurt" she stutters

"Yes and you didn't attack when an enemy was down, no wonder you are losing the war, you let your enemy live"

"We only kill when it is necessary. Life and death situations." Kakashi puts in.

"Besides you are not the enemy" asuma adds

"I totally am the enemy. Believe me if I didn't have these stupid seals on me I would kill any of you if you got in my way" I say

"You wouldn't feel like you owe us or anything? You were rotting away in prison for life. So shouldn't you feel gratitude or something?" Kurenai questions 

"Sure I'm grateful thats why I said I would only kill you if you got in my way, if I wasn't grateful I would probably kill you all for just crossing paths with me. And I don't owe you guys anything. I made a deal, an exchange if you will, meaning we both get something out of it so no owing anyone anything."

"Really you'd kill us for no good reason?" Surprisingly sakura had the guts to ask.

"Yeah it's what I do. Kill people. That's why I was in prison in the first place. Is that not getting in your head cause I'm so young, a few years older then you cause I would get that in your head now, I'm a cold blooded killer. Pay me the right amount and your enemys dead. You know what I'm really not in the mood to be around any of you right now. I'm so pissed I don't think I could hold back. Congratulations Hinata you win. I'm out of here. Ja ne." I was about to leave when Sasuke asks;

"I thought you were going to fight the sensei's. Don't tell me you're afraid" stupid smirking bustard.

"Like I said I'm not in the mood. Or do you want me killing your sensei? Cause that can be arranged, just pay a good amount of money... although you'll have to wait until after the war cause I promised in the contract that there would be no killing any leaf shinobi or civilian so better luck in the future" not wanting to start a whole new conversation i vanished in a swirl of leaves. Thought that was appropriate being in the leaf village and all and letting them know that I know a hidden leaf jutsu. I also didn't want to explain that I couldn't fight the sensei's because I don't have any Chakra left and I would lose so I said I wasn't in the mood, which I am not, I would rather that then tell the truth and show them my weakness. Kami if only I had all my power I wouldn't need to be here at all following their stupid rules. I got a few blocks away before I collapsed from chakra exhaustment. I'll have to walk to my new house from here. Sigh. But first I might as well get food. I decide to go to ichiraku. Only affordable food I can get, the hokage didn't give me much spending money but at least ichiraku ramen is delicious.

As I was eating at Ichiraku I felt a presence suddenly appear outside the shop, a new chakra source then the other two anbu shinobi that has been following me since I arrived at the gates. It can't be good if an anbu arrived near me.

"You can come out" I say to the mysterious anbu outside. Which I recieved weird looks to other people eating at the restaurant and from the owners. But the anbu walks in with his mask still on scaring everyone. I guess cause they never see anbu.

"The hokage will like to speak with you" he says

"I'm guessing it can't wait until I finish eating" the response was silent. "Can I get this to go" referring to my food and not the anbu who ruined my lunch. Although I wish the anbu can go so I can eat my lunch in peace.

We arrive at the hokage tower, just outside Tsunade doors. The anbu knocks and states he has brought me here and he is dismissed, leaving me to know why I'm here. I haven't done anything bad I dont think... I mean I did sort of confess I would kill them all if I had the chance. I stop myself from going the the guessing game of why I am here and open the door.

Gosh sorry if this is such slow pace. I really do want to write this and my other naruto fanfictions. I just don't have the motivation. But don't worry I do still plan to write and finish these off it just going to take awhile for each new chapter to come out. Sorry but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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