LEAD 19: loose ends

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      “You took the Angel Blue file without proper authorisation,” Dad grits. “You broke into my office knowing full well of the consequences and you stole the most important case that’s ever past through these doors.”

      There’s no point arguing with Dad, he’s been uptight for two weeks since Derek’s murder and burial. It bugged most of the officials and Dad’s esteemed colleagues when Beth appealed for a private memorial service. What also got up the NYPD’s noses was that Beth requested for Derek to be cremated since she was now fully aware of what Vrykokolas can do with dead corpses. 

      I haven’t had a seizure for a full fortnight, mainly because the ‘team’ (me, Banks, Sam and Snag) have been spent trying to keep the media shit storm away from our case. Banks hasn’t taken a day off work and seems extremely chipper, all day every day―I usually go over to her house every two days and cook dinner for Beth who still denies my help but I notice the deep creases beneath her eyes and now she just accepts it. The girls still maintain their optimistic outlook on life and get on with their lives, but Derek’s death will always be hindering me in the back of my mind.

      “You gave me no choice,” I say calmly, “you literally handed me a gun and badge and told me to chase a faceless killer. I had no idea what I was getting into; besides, the file doesn’t even give much intel since half of it is blacked out.”

      “That’s no excuse for you to show it to the Banks family,” Dad raises his voice. “Your stunts are going too far Akira. First it’s knocking Helena’s teeth out, moving in with Blake Donovan, your tomfoolery during the press conference and now you hand me the file I’ve been looking for almost four weeks?”

We’re finally back to our normal selves, despite the death of Derek, gravity has shifted and the world is right again. Dad still treats me like I’m not his daughter and will always blame me for his mishaps at work. I might as well put laxative in his coffee, maybe it’ll flush out his personality and common sense.

      “Can you really blame me? While you get sucked off, the team is trying to find who the killer is. While you have fancy cut sandwiches with no crusts in Police Plaza, the team is inspecting bodies. While you take the weight off your feet, the team is dropping from exhaustion. Jesus Christ Robert, I didn’t come here to talk about Angel Blue,” I fold my arms.

      “Don’t you dare talk to me like that, I’m your father,” Dad spits.

      “Until you prove such a claim, you’re nothing to me Robert,” I say.

      I can tell from the way Dad thrusts his chair back into the wall that if looks could kill, I would be dead, along with the rest of the precinct. I still don’t know why he’s so oblivious to the fact that Helena’s only drinking him dry for information, no matter how many warnings Derek gave before his passing, they mean nothing now because Dad’s going to be promoted to Chief Banks’ former position―I thought Dad would clean up his act, but he’s just gotten worse, he’s spiralling.

      Nevertheless, I didn’t march into his office requesting to see him for no reason. Yes, I handed him the file since Banks has finally come to terms with what she’s been dragged into, but I never wanted to start a screaming match with Dad. I’m in his office for a more important reason, I want to work solo. 

      Dad loosens his tie and sits heavily back down in his chair. He uses the palms of his hands to rub at his eyes, it takes three whole minutes for his temper to come back down to normal and I wait patiently. Dad and I will always share the same Achilles heel, our temper.

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