Chapter 14 - The Masked Martial Arts Tournament

Start from the beginning

Wow, someone likes green, I think as she comes towards me, hand outstretched.

"Charmed, I'm sure," she says in a soft voice.

I smile but before I go to shake her head, someone stops us.

"Hold on a wee second there!"

We both turn to see a little large man lumber up the steps, wearing a cream tunic and a red vest top, with black sash around his waist and a pair of orange trousers and black shoes. On his bald head, he has red fez and his face is completely covered with a blue and white patterned mask.

He strolls right up to the announcer, "I'm not putting this young lassie's fate in the hands of a ballyhoo like you and yer box of balls!"

"B-But sir," the announcer stutters, "I-it's the rules..."

The old man whispers to the referee and he nods, before saying, "allow me check that with the official adjudicator."

He runs off and comes back a few minutes later, panting and puffing. He nods to the man and the girl and they head back down to join the rest of the fighters while I stand all by myself again and the announcer spreads his arms, addressing the crowd.

"My mistake, folks! Seems this gentlemen here has a, uh... a special arrangement - number Eleven gets another pic of the partner pot!"

"Oi! What's the big idea!"

"Play fair will ya?"

"Come on, now folks," the referee pleads, "be reasonable. The, er...official adjudicator has just spoken! Now, why don't we see who Number Eleven will be fighting beside?" He puts his hand in the box again and pulls out an orange ball, "it's number Seven! Fighter number Seven, please come on down!"

"Looks like I'm up," a voice says from the crowd.

A man with purple trousers, black gloves and an orange sleeveless jacket steps up onto the stage.  Brown hair frames his kind face and a red bandana sits on top. Despite his kind looking expression, he is very muscular – he kinda scares me to be completely honest.

"Gah! Vince got picked already!?" A fighter complains.

"Well, how about that!" The referee announces, "Number Eleven's new partner is last year's champion – Octagonia's favourite son...Vince Vanquish!"

Vince turns to me, "hey, man. Good to meet you. Let's break some heads!"

The draw continues and eventually all the fighters are paired off.

"That's it folks!" The announcer continues, "out teams have been decided! Now all that remains is to wait for the action to begin! Let's wish the best of luck to all our fighters!"

The gate behind us opens and we all leave. Vince leaves before I get a chance to speak to him.

Charming, I think, as I see Serena in the hallway.

"Hey, Serena!"

"Hello, Estella! I heard you were paired off with last year's champion! Lucky old you!" She smiles, "not that you even need a partner. I was just saying to Veronica that they should change the rules so you can compete on your own! Wasn't I veronica?"

"Um...Veronica isn't there..." I say uncertainly.

"Veronica?" Serena looks around for the little girl, "where has she gone? She was here a moment ago."

A sudden arouse of voices catch our attention.

"What's all that commotion outside?" Serena questions before realising, "oh...oh dear..."

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