Fruit, Goblins and Red hair

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Harry's POV

My head hurt, my limbs felt like lead, my throat was sore......

In short, my whole body felt like crap.

Groaning in discomfort, I tried to move my body into a more comfortable position. As soon as I moved though, pain seared through my body. I yelped and my eyes unwillingly opened as a response to the pain.

Bad idea.

Unforgiving light instantly attacked my eyes. I blinked rapidly, using my hand to try and block out the light.

My bad. Again.

Every move I made was laced with pain. Not going to lie, it hurts like a bitch (vulgar language, kids. Avert yo eyes-). I gritted my teeth, jaw clenching, squinting as I moved to get into a sitting position.

My head spun, I felt light-headed as I successfully managed to sit up. Black spots danced before my eyes.

"Tut,tut. Mr Potter, you shouldn't be up yet. You have to lay down and rest. If I'm not wrong, you should be feeling a considerable amount of pain right now-"

"No shit," I muttered, my voice sounding raspy and scratchy, I winced as my sore throat got more irritated.

A wrinkly Goblin hand firmly, but gently pushed me back down on the bed. I could feel my sore muscles protesting, but I let myself be pushed down onto the bed, pillows, which I swear wasn't there earlier, supporting me.

"Here," The Goblin shoved a vial into my hands, "This will help with the pain."

Without a word, I gulped the potion down. It was suprisingly nice, minty and tasted like lemonade.......

The pain dulled to a throb. So, the potion worked.

I could finally open my eyes properly as my eyes got used to the light. I was in a infirmary of some kind.

It was, uh.... very white.

I got up and swung my legs to the side of the bed. Stretching to work the soreness out, I got out of the bed.

As soon as I stood up on the clean, cold marble floor, I felt a wave of dizziness crash into me. Stumbling, I fell back onto the bed.

"Dammit," I muttered.

Using my middle and pointer fingers to massage my temples, I sat on the bed to wait for the dizziness to go away. Not to mention, I appearently forgotten the Healer Goblin by the foot of the bed.

"You should also be feeling dizzy from lack of nutrients and vitamins right now. Eat," the Goblin's voice rang out again, accompanied by the rattling of a trolley with what I assume, would be food.

Snapping open my eyes, which I didn't know was closed, I startled, nearly falling off the side of the bed.

Luckily, I steadied myself by gripping the bedside table before I could.


Now stable and the dizziness fading away, I took a glance at the food.

It looked amazing. Fresh fruits of many kinds, some which I don't even recognize, a salad, pancakes..... I felt my mouth water, but I quickly tore my eyes away.

Unfortunately for me, I can't stay, I had to get back to Hogwarts before a certain annoying old coot notices his precious Light pawn is gone.

"Sorry, can't stay," I said, grimacing at the sound of my hoarse voice, "Gotta go before dear ole Dumbles notices m gone."

The healer Goblin frowned, "Well, yes, I suppose so. But you have to eat something to regain your energy. Mimics may have the ability to heal much faster than normal humans, but they still need nutrients. Some of these fruits here, are specially for Mimics to help them heal quicker."

(I'm not going to make up a name for the fruit- I just- My imagination and creativity has limits-)

I nodded slowly.

Well, one bite wouldn't hurt, especially since that one bite would help me get better faster.

"Alright, fine. I'll eat some. Then I leave."

The Goblin nodded. But I'm pretty sure I detected a hint of a smirk and smugness in those little beady eyes of hers.

Healer She-Goblin handed me one of the golden yellow fruit with a green center.

'Green is the colour that usually means healing', I absently noted.

Taking the fruit in my palm of my hand, I inspected it. It was small, like a grape, really. A big grape, but still small. But a golden colour with a green center that seemed to flicker to blue(So uh, the centers mean something. Like green is healing. And blue, speed or agility or smthg? Idk- I didnt really think if this, it just came to me while I was writing about the fruits). Looking back to the trolley of food, I realised it was grapes, well, some sort of berry or whatnot.

I finally ate the fruit.

Kind of sweet. Sour-ish? Refreshing, definitely.

I immediately felt the effect. I felt stronger and well, good as new. This was amazing.


"Can I maybe take some back with me, uhm...." I realised I didn't know the healer Goblin's name, so I sheepishly asked for it, "What was your name again?"

The Goblin looked amused, if not a little taken aback.


Being the curious and blunt person I am, I immediately commented on the likeness in Ragnok's and Ragna's names.

"Are you guys related or something?"

Ragna rolled her eyes, but gave a small smile, even if it did look like a smirk.

"Well, yes. All Goblins are related in someway, I would think. But to answer your question, yes, we're closely related. In fact, I am his older sister."

My eyes widened, and I'm sure my mouth hung open, just a bit.

"Ragnok has a sister? And he didn't tell me!" I near-screeched, "He's so gonna get it, the next time I see him!"

I'm pretty sure I heard Ragna chuckle and laugh a little, but I'm not sure.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. And said sister would be standing right here."

I stopped ranting, and my face flushed, embarrased.

"Oh. Right," I said awkwardly, one hand rubbing the back of my neck, the other lightly tugging the ends of my messy.... Weasley-red hair?


So new chap

Hope you like it

And I know it was kinda lateeeeee


But I tried

And I think it's kinda okay

How's it?


The golden grape thingy


I cant think of a name for it-

Can yall like, help suggest some please?

I would really appreciate-


Bye now, cya in da next chappie!

Libra out~

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