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Back with a new chap, hope ya like it :D

"First things first, privacy shield."

Successfully casting a privacy shield, Harry quickly told the twins the vague image of what happened, using wild hand gestures as if to try and explain all the little details without actually doing it.

"Woah! That band sounds hella cool! Where's it?"

As the two red-heads gaped, Harry rolled up his sleeve a little bit and whispered, "Finite."

Apparently the band can disguise itself to be invisible too, Harry had found that out the hard way when he had checked his wrist for the band earlier and not finding it there. Panicking, he had searched the room for it, despite knowing it probably won't be there.

Checking his trunk, he found a note in swirly handwriting similiar to that he had seen of Ragnok's handwriting. Assuming it was Ragna, he quickly read the note.

Dear Harry,

You're probably panicking because you are unable to find your glamour band. Don't worry, it's still there on your wrist. Your band is installed with another glamour charm on them so that it'll won't be noticable. I assumed you would have wanted that, so I went ahead and got that installed for you.

A simple 'Finite' will make it visible again. If you cover it while it's visible, in any way with anything, the glamour on the band will immediately activate again.


Healer Ragna

Harry smiled, remembering the note as the twins gasped excitedly. Fred putting his face right in front of the band amd George having to shove his brother's identical head of red hair away to see it properly himself.

"Oh my gosh, Georgie. Look at the runes, they're so complex, we should definitely look this up!" Fred yammered excitedly, eyes bright and sparkling with excitement as Harry hid his sniggers from seeing Fred geeking out over Runes.

George nodded, his sharp eyes scanning the runes and grin growing bigger, "Think of all the stuff we could make with these, Freddie!"

Harry pulled his wrist away at the speed of light, eyes wide and alarmed, "No, you musn't do that!" The raven-haired teen panicked, "These are Goblin-made and you know how Goblins are!"

Fred now had a slightly disappointed look on his face, George looking sorrowfully at his twin's direction.

"It's okay, Freddie. When we finally open that joke shop of ours, we'll suck up to the Goblins and get them to teach us their runes, mkay?" George comforted Fred, "But hey, for now we can still stick to Transfiguration, you know you're great at it!"

Fred pouted more but relunctlantly let it go, crossing his arns over his chest, he spoke, "Alright, I guess. There's always the chance to get Ragnok, the Goblin Harry's friends with, to like us, so it might work."

George shrugged but patted his brother's back, saying with all the cheer in the world, "That's the spirit!"

Watching the little interaction that just happened made Harry feel a little guilty. It's not his fault he didn't want the twins to start a new Goblin v.s Wizards war that Mr.Binns can drone on about to next centuries' kids. Not to mention, it kind of gave him a new perspective on the twins, but he'll get back to that later.

"Sorry, Freddie. I just don't want the Goblins to come after you, both of you," Harry said mournfully.

Fred cheered up a little, although still a little bit sad, he replied, "It's fine, we'll probably just try and suck up to Ragnok too since you're all friends with him and the Goblins."

Harry snorted, "Yeah, yeah. Here are some tips though, you gotta be respectful but distanced, willing to be as cruel as they are, and take some risks. They're unpredictable, you'll be suprised at just how much."

Fred listened intently, hanging on to Harry's every word, while George was barely listening, instead finding him staring apologetically at Lee, who was still sulking.

"Right, that should be all, I'd think?" Harry said, although it sounded more like a question than a statement. Tilting his head, he asked another question, "Next time you guys wanna come with me to get your blocks removed?"

Looking startled for a moment, the twins turned to each other and conversed quietly, obviously disagreeing on something or another as Harry could hear them argueing in hushed whispers. Harry didn't mind though, instead he sat on the couch and swung his idle legs, observing the common-room.

Making their decision, they turned to Harry, chocolate brown eyes serious and steeling. Harry immediately focused all his attention on them, raising an eyebrow in question.


Harry frowned, not quite expecting this answer, "I'm sorry? I don't understand, why?"

"We're creatures of fire, powered by emotions. Obviously, that'd be hard to control. Dumbles might get suspicious when random fires start to appear wherever we go," George said, the twins shrugging it off like it was nothing. But Harry could clearly see the longing in their eyes.

Sighing, Harry muttered, "If that's what you want for the time being......"

The twins nodded, their faces hardened in resolve and determination, "We're sure."

Nodding, Harry stood up, waving his wand to take down the privacy shield, "See you around then."


Shoving my hands into the pockets of my robes, I walked over to Neville. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lee stop sulking and hurry over to the spot I vacated, grinning brightly. The twins accepted Lee eagerly, squishing him between them on the couch, both excitedly talking to him at the same time.

I let my mouth curl into a small smile, before sitting down next to Neville, startling him and making him drop a chess piece as they were now playing Dean's set of muggle chess, wanting to try something new. I'm quite amused to see Seamus losing spectacularly, Dean trying to encourage him by yelling all sorts of things beside Seamus' face, no doubt making the poor guy deaf. No suprise really, Seamus' always been bad with chess.

Seamus groaned as Neville moved a piece, knowing he was going to lose no matter what he did, laying his forehead on Dean's shoulder. He grudgingly moved a piece, knowing it's not going to help his side of the board.

Neville's clear voice, usually always full of nervousness, but now confident and in authority, "Check."

Seamus at this point had given up completely, leaving clueless Dean to move a random piece. Which Dean did, of course, Neville smiled truimphantly as Dean moved a bishop.


I'm not exactly sane, y'know?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum