Radha is not good in anger. Whenever she is nervous about something, they'll try to cool and distract her with one thing or the other.

"See, I know you are trying to relax me. And you did. I'm good. And now, can you please tell me where was she all the time," Radha said in one breathe.

"You deserve a world record for holding your breath this long, Radha" Sam teased

"She is found on the terrace!" Shyam said, eventually.

"Terrace, ah?" Radha and krithi asked in awe.

"No one found her, actually. She came just like that after the school hour to take her bag,"

"Just like that?" Krithi asked. "How do you know?"

"We asked. She said. Just like that." Sam said.

"Do we have terrace in our school?" Krithi asked. "Will it not be closed for the safety of the students?"

"Yeah. They've been doing some works after school hours. They left it unlocked it seems,"

"What you were doing till then?" Radha asked.

"We were completing our assignment," Shyam said.

"Copying is the best word I think" Sam said, taking out krithi's assignment from his bag.

"You stole?" Krithi asked.

"Then?" Radha asked, reverting back to the topic.

"Then physics mam asked, 'what were you doing at the terrace? The whole school is searching for you' "Shyam imitated physics mam.

"And then she was like 'I was in the terrace the whole time reading' "Sam imitated smrithi.

"That's weird, you know. We could not even spot one drop of fear in her eyes. She didn't care about how many people searched her, she didn't care about what is going to happen next. Moreover, she talked looking straight into her eyes. I've never seen such kind of person in my lifetime," Shyam said.

"Yeah. So weird. What about our physics mam? She let her go just like that?" Radha asked.

"No. All the staff gathered around her and shot a number of questions. We could not hear everything. But she just stood sternly with her head up. Not regretting. Not crying. Nothing. Literally like a stone." Shyam said.

"What about our principal?" Radha asked.

"She said this out in rage "Tomorrow bring your parents to the school otherwise you will be dismissed" Shyam imitated.

"And she was like "it is my pleasure" "sam imitated smrithi.

"Did she say that?" Radha asked

"No I made it up," Sam sneered.

Radha thought for a second and asked, "Wait, are you guys making this up?"

"Oh no!! Why did I not thought this before," Shyam said in resentment

"Then it is 100% true" Radha said in relief.

"The most interesting part is, we asked her this question after hearing all that commotion.."

"..As if we don't hear anything," Sam said

"And she answered in a very casual way by saying, 'I was in the terrace all the time, sam. Sorry? Sam or Shyam?'. She simply laughed, you know even after knowing that our principal is watching from behind,' Shyam said in a significant tone.

"Then?" Radha asked

"What will I get in return?" Sam asked.

"Why did she say that?" Radha said

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