Part 8

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"Cause when your far apart baby I extend my heart. Put my LOVE in this song, cause baby you deserve it all from me"

The surgery lasted 8 hours.

I woke up in the recovery room feeling nauseated and drowsy. 

The Nurse Layna walked to the side of my bed to check the monitor. She poured a cup of ice water and placed a straw in it for me to take a sip. I found her staring back with a gentle smile and a tear in her eyes

"You did good Shaye. I don't know what it was but I know it was a miracle.

"What was a miracle?"

The patient in the bed next to me stirred, scoffing at the nurse.

"Blah! They've been talking about this miracle non stop since they rolled you in here."

She looked me up and down.

"They say you died on the table for a good 5 minutes.Your baby wasn't breathing either."

"Quiet Margaret. It was a miracle."

"Pfft! And I'm laying in this bed for a holiday."

She turned on her side dismissing us. 

"Is my baby ok?

"Baby is in the ncu on watch. It's touch and go because your baby is 4 months premature but she's a fighter like her mother."

I let out a cry feeling overwhelmed.

"Did you say she? I have a babygirl?"

The nurse smiled.

"You have a beautiful girl"

Nathaniel tapped on the door. The nurse let him in and gasped in delight when Nathaniel lifted her up in a hug before giving her a whopping kiss on her cheeks.

"That's for keeping my wife and daughter company in the operating theatre."

The nurse blushed hitting him playfully.

"She's awake now. I wanted to be in there, no need to thank me. Shaye I'm telling you honey if you weren't married to this man you'd have a war on your hands from all the nurses and female doctors mooning over this luscious peace of specimen. God sure does love you."

She left the room laughing. Nathaniel and I stared at each other hiding our smiles at Nurse Laynas parting words.

"Hi my world."

"Hello My Life. I love you so damn much Alessandra."



I smiled at him

"We have a Daughter"

"We have a daughter. What do you want to name her?"

"Molly..After Noah And Nivas mother. It was her middle name and her mother's name."

"I think it's perfect."

Doctor Tuitala walked in with a big smile on his face with his team.

"Morning Alessandra. Just seeing how you are recovering. The surgery went well. Though there was some complications that forced us to deliver the baby. I'm sorry to say but we had to remove your uterus to get most of the cancer out. You will need chemotherapy and extensive rehab but we will be keeping a close eye in you. You actually died on my table. I don't know how to explain it. We had a team also working on your baby in the room because she wasn't breathing. I was about to call time of death on you but when the sound of your daughter crying could be heard you took a breath and came back to us. It's like you were waiting for your daughter. I don't know how else to explain it. You are very lucky. God was surely watching over you. You're still not in the clear yet but welcome back. I'll come to check on you before I finish my shift"

"God answered your Dads Prayer baby."

"What a mighty God we serve.."

Throughout the doctors explanation I felt short of breath but I didn't want to alarm my husband. Everyone looked in high spirits..

Dr Jason started talking, repeating the complications of the surgery. He warned me that they would need to take baby out immediately as baby was still in distress. He told me that because she's still premature they will need to take baby straight to NICU and then they will start removing the cyst that had grown in my uterus. 

He told me to stay calm and that he would try his best to save us both. 

With the little strength I had left in me from all the pain and the crying, I told him to save my baby first.

The nurses came in and injected me with a substance. I heard them talking but couldn't make out what they said. Slowly it all became a blur and everything started to fade.


"Mama, mama. Look at Noah, he won't share baby with me." 

I looked out and I was back at the small cottage sitting on the veranda looking at my children on the picnic blanket laughing. I stared out into the distance and saw Nathaniel walking to me holding something so delicate in his arms.

"Baby. Isn't she beautiful? She looks just like you. I can't believe she's ours." 

I looked down and saw the most angelic face I had ever seen wrapped in white silk. She was so beautiful my heart leaped for joy. 

"Baby come. Let's go have lunch with the kids."

I tried to speak but I couldn't. I remember getting up and walking to the picnic blanket. The kids still running around. Nathaniel laid baby on the ground and wrestled with Niva and Noah. How perfect this image was. I wished it would last forever. This was my life, my family. Everything I ever wanted and more. I looked at Noah as he imitated Goku, ka-me-ha-me-haa. And giggled as Nathaniel fell to the ground acting like he was injured. 

"Noah don't hurt dad."

I smiled at Niva's statement. She's gona be ok. She will definitely have my strength. 

I sat there and stared and smiled at the scenery. 

Then I heard her. I heard my baby. I heard her crying and I looked down to my beautiful love. Hush my baby mummy is right here...

I felt like I remembered every minute from when I was wheeled to the theatre to the moment my spirit went back into my body, it felt so surreal and an experience that would change me.

I spent months trying to recover. Not being able to hold Molly was the hardest. Watching her in her incubator fighting her own fight to stay alive motivated me to keep going. The chemo was draining. My hair had fallen out that I couldn't even look into a mirror anymore . Nathaniel who was my rock and a machine throughout it all kept a smile on his. He shaved his hair off just for me and so did Noah. My two Men were my rock. The days felt longer, but I still kept a happy smile on my face for the sake of the kids..One more surgery left to go and my little aiga (family) could finally move forward to a great future..

And ended with a KissWhere stories live. Discover now