Locke House

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Beneath every strong independent women lies a broken little girl who had to learn how to get back up and never depend on anyone else.

Some of us have to fight a little harder to get to where we want to be. But I set that goal, I worked my butt off and now here I am standing in the carpark of a college that I earned my place in, over 2,000 miles from where I grew up, in a whole new state, ready to begin a whole new life.

I turn to my best friend and see an identical smile on her face to mine. She followed me out here, much to the dismay of her parents and now our dream of attending college together has become a reality.

"You ready to do this?" I asked her.

"More than ready! Although I'll be pissed if we aren't roommates," she pouted.

"We will just make new friends! Unless they are weird or smell really bad, then I might reconsider all of my life choices up until this point."

"You are so dramatic," she rolled her eyes at me. "Let's go, we can come back for our stuff," Ali looped her arm in mine as we walked towards the dorms and the table set up out the front with the very obvious sign telling us to 'check in here'.

We approached the table where some older students, probably seniors or graduates, sat with college jumpers on. They had an iPad in front of them that they were checking names off and a huge pile of 'welcome' packs.

"Hey girls, I'm Madison, Locke House floor 2 RA, this is Hayley, floor 3's RA. Can I get your names please?" the peppy girl in front of us spilled out enthusiastically.

"Morgan Walters and Ali Lopez, or probably listed as Alianna," I responded for the both of us as they searched for our names in their list.

"Perfect, you two will both be on my floor!" Maddison exclaimed.

We crossed our fingers like 12 year girls again in the hope that she would tell us next that we were lucky enough to be rooming with each other.

"Morgan, you are room 208, here is your welcome pack and Hayley will get you your key. Ali, you will be just down the hall in room 213. Both of your roommates have already checked in. All the information you need is in the welcome pack, but Locke House is a female only dorm, mostly only freshman and sophomore. There are no college activities on tonight as freshman are still arriving all weekend and getting settled before orientation week activities start on Monday. Tomorrow night there will be a welcome barbecue out here and we love for everyone to attend to get to know each other. I'm sure if you wanted to do something tonight though, there will be parties on and you just need to ask around. Here you are, and happy moving!" Madison finished her speech that I assumed she had repeated more times that she cares to count, and handed us our welcome packs and our room keys.

We thanked her, then decided to grab some bags and boxes from our car on the first trip up. Learning that we were on the second floor, we realised that lugging our belongings up was going to be more work than either of us had considered. 

As we reached the second floor, my door was first, I decided to knock because I assumed my roommate was inside. It seemed like the politest approach, I wanted to start out on the best foot possible. Ali continued on to her own room, agreeing we would catch up once we had both moved everything in and gotten ourselves settled.

"Hey! You must be Morgan?" a stunning brunette with bright blue eyes opened the door to room 208.

"That's me," I smiled brightly as she opened the door wider allowing me to enter the room.

"I'm Harper Cameron. Hope you don't mind, I took the bed on the right, my bed was on that side of the room back home and so it felt right to me. I've already put a few things up around the room, but if there's anything you don't like please tell me, I promise I won't be offended. And omg I have already talked too much! I'm sorry!"

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