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Here are some quotes to brighten up your day!

"There are no strangers here, only best friends you have not met yet."

"Be a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside."

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."

"One true best friend is worth more than a thousand fake friends."

"I defeat my enemies, by making them my friends."

"Life is a road that must be travelled no matter how rough the roads and accomodations are."

"A smile is the universal language of kindness."

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."

"Be happy with what you have. Concentrate in what you love the most, and don't waste life."

"You only have one life on Earth, so use it wisely."

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

"Friends are like diamonds and Friends are like gold. Cherrish them always, and as you grow old. You will see that they sparkle like stars in the sky. Friends are like diamonds you can keep by and by." - from a song I sang in Choir a few years ago.

" Love can not be found when there is none, nor can be hidden where it exist."

"Tell my mistakes to me, not others. Because my mistakes are to be corrected by me, not others."

"I don't believe in fairy tales, but I believe in you and me."

"Even if you lovingly collect every piece from a shattered cup, pieces are still pices, once something breaks it can never fully return."

"This is not the end, neither to our friendship, nor your chapter in the book of life, it is just a spacebar to a new begining."

"The only time you should look back, is to see how far you have come."

"No one and nothing is perfect, but sometimes imperfection is beautiful."

"The harder and higher you climb the hill, the more beautiful the view will be."

"Your hardest times, oten lead to the greatest moments of your life. So keep on going. Tough situations buld tough people in the end."

"Life brings tears, smiles, and memoriss. Thetears dry, and the smiles fade. But the memories last forever."

"I wish you could feel the same hurt I felt from you. But if I had the chance to hurt you, I would never take it."

"Somewhere, there is a book with pages that are still blank. It is the book of our lives, and the story is ours to write. Some pages fade, while others are black and white. And the story begins, every time we try. I fought through the darkness, and came out the other side. For rain clouds will clear a path for sunny skies. I have been afraid and been through the longest nights. But morning still comes, and with it there is a light."

I do not own these quotes.

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