🤍little owl🖤

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((Request for lunacosium !! Oh yeah! Pls don't be upset if I don't get to your request quickly! I'm doing them in order of what I have the motivation for and a better idea of! Anywhoooo enjoy!🤍

Akaashi sighed, he had finally given in, Bokuto had been begging for him to sleepover for weeks! Physically he was ready for whatever crazy idea his boyfriend had, mentally....not as much. He had a gut feeling something would go wrong and well, he didn't listen to it. He knocked on the door, hopping for an answer soon, though it wasn't even five seconds and Bokuto excitedly opened the door. He had explained previously that his parents were on a trip for the weekend so it would be just them. Well that was some what better to Akaashi.

Well part of the sleepover went on, Bokuto offering thousands of ideas, most of them being pretty bad ones, in the end they had just decided on a movie marathon. Around about the third movie was about to play Akaashi realized his head felt fuzzy and the felt smaller...he was slipping. This is what his gut feeling was earlier, the boy was terrified to slip, especially in front of Bokuto! He loved him, but didn't exactly know if he could be trusted, especially because of how young akaashi usually fell. He often became non verbal and almost into baby space. Though he acted like nothing was wrong, and went on with the next movie. Though it was a horror movie and not even halfway through he started to whimper quietly and slowly inch closer to Bokuto who hadn't noticed. Though when he finally did, the younger was attempting to snugged Bokuto. "Akaashi?" He asked, only receiving babbles. "Akaashiiii? You there?" Silence from him is all he got. Though something seems to fall out of his pocket and since he refused to even move away from Bokuto, he had to grab it. What was it? A baby blue pacifier with a small note beside it. It read "If you're reading this, I probably slipped, please to into the front pocket of my bag. As a copping mechanism I do this thing called age regression, I become mentally younger, no telling how young at time though. I-" and the note stopped, it looked like it had been torn and half of it was missing. But with this information Bokuto had at least a bit of a clue what was happening. "Oooohhh! You're a little akaashi now!" He smiled as the little looked at him, babbling once more.

Kōtarō held onto Keiji as he walked over and grabbed his bag, reaching into the front pocket, there was a bottle, another pacifier, and a stuffed zebra. Instantly akaashi made grabby hands for the items. "Ohh! You want these buddy?" He revived a small nod, then placing the paci in Keiji's mouth then handing him the zebra. Bokuto thought for a moment, 'hmm...so if akaashi is basically a little kid right now then....hmmm....I got it!' He put on a Disney movie, setting the little on the bed "I'll be right back!" He rushed out of the room, soon coming back with a box. Akaashi's eyes widened. The box seemed to have all kinds of toys and stuffed animals and such. "I know you'll like these little guy!" Those words received giggles and a smile behind that pacifier. Seeing Akaashi like this made Bokuto so happy! He looked so different! Especially his expressions! Bokuto began looking through the box after he had set the other on the floor beside him. He'd hand keiji toys and let the little one "examine" it to see if he liked it. This went on until the box was empty and well, akaashi was having the time of his life! All until another whimper. "Huh? What's wrong now tiny akaashi?" The younger began pulling at his clothes in discomfort. "Mmmn'!! Nu umphy..." he whined. Bokuto perked up at that. "You want some more comfy clothes buds?" The little made grabby hands. "Alright then!" He began to look though his closet, eventually grabbing a sweatshirt and a pair of gray sweatpants for the little, it's the only thing that would fit the guy. By that time keiji was almost crying. "Shhh it's okay! Look! I got this cool owl sweatshirt you can wear!" Of corse, there was more grabby hands. "Do you uh...want help?" He nodded and Bokuto complied, though his face looked like a strawberry. But he didn't seem to wanna cooperate with pants. "Come on! We can't have you running around in ur underwear!" The little pouted, he didn't think there was a problem. He blew a raspberry at the older and giggled a bit. That's when Bokuto got the tickle monster! He began tickling him as he burst into a fit of giggles, in the mist of it, managing to get pants on him. He of corse pouted, but went back to playing. Soon reaching for the bottle that was empty. "A-ahhh!!" Akaashi babbled. "Oh uh, food! You're probably hungry! Hmmm....pizza? No.....uhm.." he soon turned to the internet for help. "Angles milk! Sounds easy enough!" He picked up the little and the bottle, setting Akaashi on the counter and began to make it, he got the hang of it pretty quickly and once it was done, it was back to Disney movies. It wasn't long until Akaashi was asleep in his now caregivers arms.

𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀<3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz