Wolflet First Kiss

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Hi everyone sorry for the late update I didn't have any idea what to write until I decide "Huh? What if I write about the first Wolflet kiss when they jumped onto the train , but Wolf's pov?" Anyway, the song on the top is a song I could compare to all of  the TLC ships. Well this  little rewrite is in Wolf's pov so... enjoy!!!

Wolf POV:

 I hear coming from the south, and I cock one ear towards the sky.

I see Scarlet trying to hear something, but I doubt she could hear anything.

"A train is coming." I fixed my gaze on her, concern etched across my face. I think I said too much, but by the looks of it Scarlet looks thirsty for more.

With a nod, she planted a hand on the ground and pushed herself to standing.  "And these people think my grandmother knows something about the princess because...?"

I skirted towards the edge , peering off down the rails. "They believe Dr. Tanner asked your grandmother for assistance when he brought the princess to Earth."

"They believe, but they can't know that for sure."

"Perhaps not, but that's why they took her," I said, testing the fallen log with my foot again. "To find out what she knew."

"And did they ever consider that maybe she doesn't know anything?"

"They're convinced that she does. Or at least, they were when I left them, though I don't know what they've learned since—"

"Well, why don't they find this Dr. Tanner and ask him?"

I clenched my jaw, hard. "Because he's dead." I stooped down and grabbed our forgotten pack and draped it over my elbow. "He killed himself, earlier this year. In an insane asylum in the Eastern Commonwealth."

From the look on Scarlet's face I could tell that some of Scarlet's anger has fizzled down and has been replaced with something like sadness or pity for a man that was worth nothing up until a few minutes  ago. 

"An asylum?"

"He was a patient there. Self-admitted." I  know it was kind of hard for her but when needed to  climb that tree before we lose the train.

"How? He was Lunar. Why wasn't he captured and sent back to Luna?"

"He must have figured out how to blend in with Earthen society."

I  held  my hands out toward Scarlet my hand getting hot and clammy, Scarlet took instinctively. I felt a spark coursing through my body and tensed. After a heartbeat, my body and hold relaxed as I stepped out onto the tree trunk.

While trying to focus on climbing I kept think about how that spark of electricity felt through his body  and if Scarlet felt it too. "There must be someone else he had contact with on Earth. The trail can't end with my grandma. According to my dad, she hadn't told them anything, after weeks of ... of who knows what they've been doing to her. They must realize they've got the wrong person!"

Being interrupted from my train of thought, there was a peculiar restraint when I responded. "Are you sure they have?"

She glared. From the looks of it Scarlet confused about everything had happened the days that her grandmother has been captured.

A faint hum cut through the forest's whispers. The magnets waking up.

"Scarlet," I said, "it's in her best interest, and yours, to give them something. Please, think. If you know anything at all, we may be able to use it to our advantage."

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