When Cinder Kidnapped Kai (Kai POV)

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So this is basically the chapter in Cress where Cinder has Kai kidnapped aboard the Rampion but Kai's pov not Cinder's. This is like my favorite scene out of all the Kaider in all of the books so...enjoy <333

Kai walked swiftly down the corridor with the blonde girl and the famous 'Captain' Carswell Thorne as he calls himself at his heels.  The were both busy talking his ear off about the ship he was stuck on, and frankly he really didn't care about, while he focused on not losing his temper. He kept counting to ten under his breath every time he felt like this would happen.

"This is a 214 Rampion you're aboard, Your Majesticness. Quite a pleasure to have royalty on board, might I add!" Thorne told him. Kai still hated him as much as he had when the guy had escaped prison. He  was cocky and arrogant and everything Kai hated.

"I'm Cress, by the way, it's so good to finally meet you. Cinder talks about you all the time!" the blonde added.

"Oh, yes, between you and me, I think she might have a bit of a crush on you, your Majesticness," Thorne said with a  sly wink.

"1...2...3...4...5...6-" Kai silently counted.

"Here she is your Majesty!" Cress squeaked as they neared the end of the hallway  and she pulled open the door.

"Don't  let him see me this way!" Kai heard someone yell, as he stepped into the room. He looked around the room, and knew it had come from a pair of legs sticking out from behind a podship. Shaking his head, he finally looked at Cinder.

Cinder was wearing dirty cargo pants and had her hair tied back in her  usual messy ponytail. As she turned around to face him, Kai was hoping his anger showed on his face. He was not disappointed, as Cinder looked like as she wanted the  floor to swallow her up as she met his  gaze.

"You're awake! Uh, how do you feel?" said Cinder, looking very uncomfortable.

Stars, she was trying to make small talk? He had an entire country to run, and she had him aboard a ship in the middle of nowhere!

"Kidnapped." He snapped. "How should I feel?" 

"I was hoping you'd feel well-rested?" She said with a tentative smile.

He glared  at Cinder for three full counts until her grin faded.

"We need to talk," Kai said, darkly.

Thorne let out a slow whistle. "No one ever likes to hear those words." he said, elbowing Kai on the side. Kai and Cinder both glared at him.

"Thorne, why don't you give Iko a tutorial with the cockpit controls?" said Cinder.

"Excellent idea," Cress chirped, taking this as her cue to leave. "Come, on Iko."

Iko appeared to be the pair of legs sticking out from behind the podship. "Is he looking?" she asked, self-consciously.

Kai raised an eyebrow. What was wrong with her, anyway?

"he's not looking," said Cinder 

Iko hesitated

"Are you sure?" she asked.

Cinder waved her hands at Kai. "You're not looking."

He rolled his eyes, putting as much exasperation into the gesture as he could.

"Oh, for all the stars!"

Crossing his arms, he turned his back on them.

"All clear. We'll finish that up... later." Cinder called to Iko. She quickly bounced out of the room before Kai could catch a glimpse of her.

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