Chapter 4

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(Faye pov)

The rain continued to pour down for the next few days, forcing me to stay inside my apartment. I finished my book and found myself playing around with my powers.

I already knew that i could shape-shift and mimic voices, animals, and just about any sound but I could only shift into certain people and only for a short period of time. the only problem is I have to see the person or thing for me to be able to shift into them, meaning the only things I could shift into were either people at hydra or the occasional rodent that somehow got in. 

I sit on the dirty windowsill watching people hurry by, trying to get out of the rain. My eyes fix on a young beaten-up woman holding a small boy's hand. Her face was dirty and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. I continue to stare at her as she grew smaller and smaller in the distance.

My body turns to the mirror and I slowly change my features to match the woman. Suddenly instead of my reflection, the woman is staring back at me. I trace the scars on the woman's face with my fingertips, wincing at the slight pain that followed. 

I sigh and shift back. The old floorboards creak as I slip back into the kitchen a pour a glass of water. I walk back to the mirror and tug off my sweater leaving me in a grey tank top. I stare sadly at my own scars, I had jagged lines all down my arms from the countless needles hydra stabbed into me. 

Thunder echos outside causing me to jump. I've been scared of thunder ever since I was little. Whenever there was I storm Pietro and Wanda would hide with me under the bed and they would tell me stories until it passed. I small smile played on my lips as I pulled my sweater back on. 

the rain stopped later that day and I headed out to the park. little bits of sunlight peeked through the clouds warming my pale skin. I walk down the dirt path, taking in the gorgeous scenery.  birds fluttered from tree to tree. my lips curled into a small smile at the beautiful sight.

I hum happily to myself as I walk back to my apartment, unaware of the two teens watching me...

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