She slumped in her seat on the couch. "Fine."

Sarah grabbed the Tv remote and turned it off. "Let's change the subject," she murmured. "Any Christmas plans for you and Harry?"

"We've been trying to figure it out. I know my dad is going back to Arizona to see my family and I wanted to see them but, Harry wanted to spend time with his family so... we've been confused onto where go first."

"Why don't you stay in London first and then fly out to Arizona because of the time zones? Arizona is seven hours behind London so it'll still be early there if you leave London late."

"I graduated both high school and college early and didn't think of that..." Selene trailed off. "Thank you Mitch."

"Do you know what your getting him?"

Selene couldn't even answer Sarah's question as the door opened— revealing Charlotte and Naomi. She let out the breath she was holding. "I don't know. I know he's wanted a camera so maybe that."

Charlotte handed Selene a ziplock bag that had three sugar cookies in it. Selene smiled. "Thank you."

"Harry was heading towards here so you might want to wrap the Christmas conversation up."

"Please get him a new guitar strap. His is barely a strap anymore," Mitch said.

"Mitch your supposed to be getting him that," Sarah retorted.

The door opened once more— Harry chugging a bottle of water as he walked in. Whatever he ate must have been disgusting. He reached in his pocket and pulled out another bag of sugar cookies. He handed them to Selene and brought the bottled water down from his mouth.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth. We have a set in five minutes," he muttered. And just like that, he was out of the room again. The group all stood up and made their way out of the door. Selene stayed close to Charlotte. The two had began a nice friendship. The first day that Charlotte came to practice with them, she told Selene how much she liked her Ep. It surprised her but, she was glad that the pink haired girl had listened to it.

"Do you dye your hair yourself?" Selene asked out of curiosity. Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, it was easy to do since my hair was already a light color before I did it."

Selene smiled as she watched Harry speed walk to rejoin the group. "You think you can do mine?" she asked.

"Of course. Just tell me when."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?"

"Dye my hair."

"I could do it again," Harry pouted as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Harry, love you, but not letting you near my hair again."

"Why not?"

"You missed a big spot last time!"

"I tried my best!"

"I'm sure you did."

As the group neared the curtains, Harry's arms slowly slid off of Selene's shoulders— the arm returning to his side. He always had to do that before they went out. Mitch waited until the two were further apart to open the curtain for everyone to walk out.

"Thanks," she whispered as she passed him. She heard a subtle, "Mhm," from the older man. Selene was glad that they were back to performing.

Selene watched as Harry packed up his stuff backstage into his backpack that he carried. The couple were the only two left since everyone was already waiting in the car. They had all planned to go out for dinner somewhere. And by everyone, that meant Kendall too. Selene was fine with it. Harry swing the backpack over his shoulders and looked up at Selene.

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