Blue Skys

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Iwaizumi and Oikawa looked at each other confused as to what the short girl in front of them had just said. 

Oikawa knelt in front of the girl a grin plastered on his face, “You sure you can handle it Sakura-Chan?” he teased. 

“Hah?! Of course, I can! Who cares how short I am.” She said kicking him in the shin. 

“OW! Your so mean Sakura-Chan!” He whined pretending to cry while holding his leg. 

“Can you just answer my question?” She asked, glaring at him. 

“Hmmmm, well since you're not Tobio-chan I’ll teach you.” He said. 

“You will?!” she asked in excitement, her big blue eyes shining widely. “Thank you Oikawa-san!” She bowed her head smiling at her feet. 

Oikawa smiled at her. The one he used at his fangirls every day. She ran off waving at the two boys. 

It had been a few days since Ren’s encounter with the tall boy with brown hair and eyes and his spiky-haired best friend. She was in class now staring off into space not paying attention to what the teacher was saying. The bell rang abruptly shocking the girl out of whatever she was thinking about. She grabbed her books. Shoved them in her school bag, then slung it over her shoulder and walked out of the classroom. She was puzzled about who to eat lunch with when her thoughts were inputted by someone calling her name. 

“Rennnnnnn! Reeennn!” A girl was running after her, her light brown hair pulled into two long flowing pigtails. 

“What,” Ren asked, stopping to turn around to the girl running after her. 

“You gotta help me, Ren! Please let me copy your notes!” She asked pleading her friend. 

“No way,” Ren said crossing her arms and shifting her weight onto one leg. 

“Aw come on why not?” The girl asked hanging her head low. 

“Because you always do this Mitsuki. You need to do your own work, what are you gonna do if we go to different universities?” Ren said a look of sympathy in her eyes. She was worried about her best friend Mitsuki. She was the only friend Ren had and she never got anything done. 

“Yea I know but what else am I supposed to do if I don’t have the notesssss?” Mitsuki said. 

“Fine. But this is the last time okay?” Ren said turning around to walk away.

Mitsuki ran over to Ren engulfing her in a hug, “Thank you, Ren!” She said happily. 

“Ah!” Ren said surprised but what her best friend had just done. She turned around and said “Your welcome” She laughed a little smiling at her absent minded best friend.  

The two girls walked together to their usual spot outside. Talking and laughing about things together. They sat down and started eating their lunches still talking and laughing together. Both smiling and having a good time. Mitsuki was really the only person Ren felt completely comfortable around she could just be herself. 

The sky was blue and the air was warm and everything smelt like flowers and dew. It was a beautiful day. The girls stopped to admire the beauty of the high school campus, the cherry blossoms had finished blooming but it was still a really pretty day out. 

“Have you gone back to practice yet Ren?” Mitsuki asked her face serious as she looked at her friend. 

“No...I haven’t been able to yet,” Ren said staring at her lap. 

“That’s alright, take your time. I just don’t want you to quit. I know how much you love volleyball.” She looked at her friend sympathetically smiling at her. “Fujimori-san might drag you back though,” Miksuki laughed. 

“Ah true, I won’t quit though don’t worry I have motivation now remember!” Ren had told Mitsuki about her encounter with Aoba Johsai’s resident pretty boy. She was shocked ren met him and that he agreed to teach her how to jump serve. 

“Ren Sakura, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Ren recognized that voice. It sent chills down her spine as she turned her head around to see Chiharu Fujimori. 

“Oh...Chiharu.” Ren said anxiously. 

“What’s with you skipping practice?”  She knelt down in front of Ren looking into her blue eyes. “You don’t need to avoid coming, I don’t think anyone is mad. Come back we need or setter.” She said smiling sympathetically. 

“I’ll come back don’t worry.” Ren stood up and smiled at her. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to try anyway”

“Hino-chan! Can I talk to you for a second?” Ren said. It was practice now and Ren wanted to try out something. She wanted to spike. 
“What is it senpai?” Haruko Hino asked, her dark hair tied into a small ponytail. 

“I want to teach you how to set. I went over this with the third years already but I have a new strategy I want to try.” Ren said looking at the first year who was a bit taller than her. 

“You want to teach me how to set? Why? I’m a middle blocker.” The girl said her face cross and serious. 

“Uh...Well, I think it would be good to have a backup setter and I want to try spiking in a game.” Ren said her voice serious. 

“We already have a backup setter. Frankly, I think you should just stick to setting. You should perfect that first before trying something else. You haven’t even mastered setting yet.” Hino said annoyed at what her senpai had said to her. 

Ren looked at the girl confused as to whether she should be mad or shocked. Chiharu who had overheard the conversation walked over. 

“Ren can spike. She was the Ace Hino.” Chiharu said a bit annoyed that the girl had insulted someone she called her friend. 

“She doesn’t even go to practice. She cost us the game.” Hino said. She was mad now her dark blue eyes glaring at Ren and Chiharu. 

Chiharu called over the backup setter asking her to set to Ren. She agreed. Everyone was watching now. The ball was set up into the air, Ren ran up to it her feet hitting the ground, her shoes squeaking as she ran. She lunged down then leapt into the air, her blond hair flowing behind her in her ponytail. And there it was. The view from the other side. The view to the summit. Her arm raised, she swung with all her might. Her hand hitting the ball. It flew down to the other side of the net smashing against the ground. She fell to the ground landing on her feet with a thud. 

The room was silent. Everyone was staring at what had just happened. Ren looked down at her hand. It stung. But she missed that feeling. 

The silence was finally broken by Kairi Moriyama,” Wow!! Sakura-senpai I had no idea you were so good at spiking! That was so cool!” She ran up to her grinning. 

“Thank you! I missed doing that.” Ren said smiling gleefully at the first-year libero. 

“Ren has always been great at spiking.” Chiharu laughed walking over to where two short girls were standing. 

“Aw, you're better though. You have so much power!” Ren said to her friend. She knew Chiharu in middle school but they were never close until now. She liked talking to Chiharu. 
The third years complemented Ren on her Spike and practice continued. Ren practiced dumps and sets then finally the time had come. Her serving practice with Oikawa. 

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