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The next day was the showdown between the coyotes and the other inhabitants. In which Django and the coyotes were in the center of the deserted downtown. It was where RJ and co. wants them.

 In which then Stella, with other skunks, honey badgers, skink badgers and zorillas hanging onto ducks were flying towards them. They were all ready for this.

Stella: Alright everyone, let her rip.

In which they come swooping in and started to let out their foul odor, causing the coyotes to head for another part of the downtown, where it has a red circle. As RJ advise for the lizards to puck off any tuff of fur they can. In which they do.

RJ: Good jobs my reptile friends, it's about time we run these villains out of here.

As just then Hammy was on Lupine, in which he, his pack, along with the deer, pronghorn, elk, capybaras, peccaries, boars, leopard, jaguars, cougars, cheetahs, iguanas, water monitors, rheas and cassowaries all stood on the hill.

Hammy: Are you ready for this?

Lupine: This is awkward.

Hammy: Yes, yes it is. Can I?

Lupine: Go for it Hammy!

Hammy: Charge!

In which all of the animals run down the hill shouting and yelling. Django and that coyotes look in shock as the larger animals runs towards them. In which Verne turns to see that all of the other creatures were ready too. With Nin, he was riding on Tiger.

Nin: Come on dude, move those tiny little legs.

Tiger: I feel so alive. *meows*

Hammy: Draw weapons!

In which the male deer, elk and pronghorns drew their antlers and horns, as the peccaries and boars bare their tusks, the rheas and cassowaries were ready to for action and the carnivores brandish their claws. In which all of the animals started charging from side. As the battle was on. The first row of coyotes growled, as the lizards and snakes charged at them and lunge at the same time. As in the battle was ending well, but however, Django was ready to ambush RJ.

Django: I got you now! 

Just then Lupine finds him and fights. In which as the two canids battle together, it was pretty bloody. Four of the coyotes cornered Saedira and her dholes at a tree. But then, tree squirrels, coatis and ringtail cats threw objects at them. As for Lupine and Django, they were face to face with each to fight.

Lupine: It's over Django, you can't win!

Django: Yes I will, either way.

In which they fought together. As for the coyotes, they were retreating out of the deserted town and into the wild. Lupine fights Django, as the black coyote wants to fight back. But however, Lupine has the advantage and throws him. Django makes his leave, but as he was about to cross a stream, he gets taken out and eaten by a alligator. The animals of the urban jungle cheered, as their enemies are now gone!

Over the Hedge 2: New WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant