Django's attempt and animals of the urban jungle unite!

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In which the next day, the company then comes in with trucks full of Florida panthers, antelope, buffalo, bison, elk, rheas, herons, bitterns, egrets, ibises, storks, cranes, giant salamanders, coconut crabs, zorillas, honey badgers, hedgehogs, baboons, guineafowl of each species, sloths, anteaters, aardvarks, armadillos, toucans, llamas, alpacas, guanacos, European wildcats, African wildcats, dingoes, vicunas, cheetahs, jaguars, leopards, sugar gliders, tree-kangaroos, cassowaries of each species, maned wolves, tayras, hoatzins and pangolins. In which coconut trees were planted nearby the swimming pools. The birds were the first to be released. The hoatzins and toucans flew towards the newly planted palm trees (they are mostly planted next to the coconut trees and front lawns), the rheas went off towards the former gardens, the guineafowl headed for tall grass and bamboo patches, and the long-legged waders took residence in the pools: including the kiddy ones. As for the others, the sloths climb up to the nearest place to be in, the sugar gliders headed for the trees, so did the tree-kangaroos and the other mammals take residence elsewhere. Somewhere else, Django was with his cronies to ambush Lupine and his pack, as they were with RJ, Jessica, Nin and Hammy heading towards a flock of cassowaries. As it appears they are the southern types. In which the dwarf cassowaries at located north as the northern ones within the center of the urban jungle.

Lupine: I've never tasted bird before.

Jessica: Well it's your first time as we are about to find out.

Lupine and his pack did had to be extra careful as they are about to hunt a flightless, but dangerous bird though. Cassowaries are known to slice open any predator or threat with their kicks and would even kill a person if threaten.  Django however, had other plans as he was stalking them. 

Django: Alright fellas, those crazy birds don't stand a chance. 

With RJ, Hammy, Nin and Jessica, they were rather confused by Lupine's joke about wanting to eat those kind of birds.

Lupine: I was joking, I meant like I was going to have myself, my pack and you two give them a warm welcome. 

All: Oh.

In which they slowly approach the birds, as the latter started to notice them. The group then stops as one of them walks up to them and looks. In which it walks away not seeing them as threats. But just then, Django and his black cronies started attacking one of them, causing the flock to storm over them and attack. Much to Lupine's shock!

Lupine: It's the black coyotes! 

Jessica: We must help them.

RJ: Yes, let's do this.

As the animals clashed, Lupine and co. came to help. The cassowaries took no notice as the coyotes continued to attack. Jessica and RJ managed to drive away a few, as Hammy and Nin got to the eggs. Lupine and the wolves stood protectively in front of the birds and growled. 

Lupine: Well Django, I suggestion you stay away from them or else you'll pay for it.

Django: For now, but I'll be gathering my army of all black coyotes to take you down.

He and the others went away and ran straight back for their base. As for this Lupine and co. breaks the news towards the others and were rather shock.

RJ: Well, all we need is to unite every animal to help fight against the coyotes.

Jessica:  Verne, Hammy, Stella, Tiger, Bucky, Spike, Quillo, Ozzie, Heather, Penny, Lou, RJ, Lupine, Saedira, Gover, Layla, Mike, Nin, Tommy, Jupa and Tiff should all go out to gather everyone that can hel.

Hammy: Let's do this!

Jessica goes off to find other coatis to help. 

Verne got lucky to see every creatures like the caecilians, frogs, toads, salamanders, other turtles like softshells, pond turtles, marsh turtles, box turtles, musk turtles, mud turtles, snapping turtles and tortoises were all willing to help save their home.

Hammy encounters many squirrels: both tree and ground squirrels, capybaras, beavers (North American and European), mountain beavers, nutrias, rats, mice, muskrats, guinea pigs, hamsters, springhares and some others (not countering porcupines) were all willing to help as well.

Lou, Penny, Bucky, Quillo, Spike, Mike and Layla recruited armadillos, other porcupines, anteaters and aardvarks.

Stella united honey badgers, other skunks, stink badgers, zorillas and other species of weasels. 

Heather and Ozzie have managed to to urge every species of possum to help them fight against the bad guys. Along with the tree-kangaroos as well.

Tommy united every one of his kind, along with Jupa's, Tiff's and Nin's

Jupa united all lizards, snakes and other animals. Presumably the others united other animals to help within the battle for their home.

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