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Elsewhere in the deserted city, a clan of dholes were patrolling the empty streets. One of them is named Saedira, who she and her clan were release by Project Neocene for this urban jungle. They were currently hunting a mix herd of capybaras, peccaries, deer and pronghorn. The clan gets into position and stalks the prey. The red dogs then charged forward and towards the herd as they panic and run. The peccaries splits up, the pronghorn leaps over fences, the deer ran straight for pools and the capybaras were left to run. The results are that a unlucky one was caught and eaten. They were about to eat until a pack of coyotes came.

Saedira: Who are you?

???: I am Django. Leader of this pack and want you gone. Species like everyone: including you don't belong here. We'll tear you up.

Saedira: You better not, because we'll show you the hard way then.

Django: How about we'll show you the hard way? Coyotes advance!

The coyotes runs up to the dholes and attacks them. The dholes fought back and were able to get some of them to retreat, but the others were also gaining advantage. But however, a small form leaps out and attacks the coyotes. In which Django growls and fights.

Django: Well you little devil is no match for me!

Jessica: You either leave these dholes alone or faced the wrath of my power!

The coyotes scoffed and simply retreated, whilst they were not up for the challenge. Django growls turns away.

Django: You haven't heard the last of me!

Saedira then turns to Jessica. It was very surprising to them that a coati like her was able to stand up to pack of coyotes.

Saedira: You saved us.

Jessica: Thanks I am Jessica.

Saedria: The names Saedira and this is my clan. 

Jessica: I am glad to stand up to that coyote. Who was he?

Saedira: His name was Django. He possibly doesn't like this.

Jessica: Don't listen to them, they're probably crazy.

Saedira: Yep.

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