after the orpheum-part 2

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hey everyone! sorry i haven't updated, i've been busy with school. i'm taking a high school geometry class (i'm only in eighth grade), and the class is really hard, so i've been spending a lot of time trying not to fail. it's also hard to find time to work on writing when i'm in school from 7:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon. anyway, i hope you enjoy this part! 

~Willie's POV~

"Willie, wait! I really like you too," Alex calls out, grabbing my hand.

I turn back to face him, a small smile growing on my face. 

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah," Alex says quietly, looking at the floor with a deep blush spreading across his face. 

I grin and nudge him with my shoulder. "Aww, hotdog has a cruUush," I say, teasing him.

Alex blushes even more, his cheeks now more pink than his suit. Laughing, I hug him from the side, resting my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my waist, and we just stand there for a while, enjoying each other's company. 

"Alright hotdog, I'm teaching you how to skate," I say, grabbing Alex's hand and dragging him over to my skateboard.

"No no, that's a skateboard. I can't do that," Alex protests, panic evident in his voice.

"Relax, I'm not going to teach you anything crazy, just the basics. Plus, you're a ghost. Even if you do fall, you can't get seriously injured."

He sees that no matter what, he can't talk me out of teaching him how to skateboard.

"Alright fine. But I get to teach you how to play drums."

"That's fair. But I'm gonna suck at the drums."

"And I'm gonna suck at skateboarding."

"Touché. Alright, now put this on." I toss him my helmet and he catches it, but looks at me warily.

"I thought you said I couldn't get hurt."

"It's part of the experience, hotdog," I say, laughing at the look on his face.

~Alex's POV~

After a few hours, I finally manage to skate back and forth a few times without falling. I kept falling, but Willie would always help me back up and tell me to try again. It took me forever to just go in a straight line (a/n: i wrote this line and then realized that maybe he can't go in a straight line because he isn't straight... i'll see myself out). After I could finally go a few feet without falling, Willie taught me how to turn. Again, I kept falling, but after a while, I got the hang of it. 

"You're doing really well, hotdog!" Willie says, taking his helmet off my head. 

"I wouldn't really call falling repeatedly doing well, but sure." 

Willie laughs and I go slightly red. Gosh, he's so cute when he laughs. "That's fair. Now you just gotta teach me how to play the drums." 

 "You'll probably be better on the drums than I am at skateboarding."

He shrugs. "We'll see."

I look outside and notice how dark it's gotten.

"Oh shoot, I should probably get back to the studio before Luke and Reggie send out a search party. On second thought, before Reggie sends out a search party. Luke probably doesn't care, if I'm being completely honest."

"Alright. I'll see you later, hotdog."

I poof to the studio, and the moment I appear, I notice how oddly quiet it is. I wonder where Luke and Reggie are. Suddenly, someone jumps on my back and yells "Where you been man?" in my ear. 

"Luke what-" I start to push him off my back, but Reggie comes up to me before I can get Luke off.

"And where do you think you've been, young man? It's 11 o'clock at night! We've been worried sick!" Reggie says. 

Luke finally gets off my back, and I hear someone hysterically laughing. Scanning the room, I see Julie doubled over in laughter. 

"You sound like my tía, Reggie," Julie says, still laughing. 

"And you!" Reggie says, turning to Julie. "You should be in bed! What are you doing up?"

Both Luke and Julie are now doubled over laughing. 

"I was with Willie," I say, grinning.

"OoOoOoOoOh, spill the tea!" Julie says, flopping down on the couch and resting her chin on her hands.

"Why would Alex need to spill tea?" Reggie asks. "That just seems like a waste of good tea."

"It means to spill the gossip. In this context, it means to spill what happened between Alex and Willie," Julie explains, giggling.

"That makes no sense. Gossip and tea are not the same thing." Reggie complains, flopping onto a chair. 

"Ok so... I went to go find Willie, but I couldn't find him anywhere, so I poofed into the museum we went to, and I saw him crying, and we hugged, and then he said he liked me and then I said that I liked him back and he taught me how to skateboard and I said I would teach him how to play the drums and it was amazing and Willie likes me," I say, gushing.

"OoOoOoOoOh, Alex has a bOyFrIenD," Julie teases.

"That's awesome, man," Luke says.

"Guess I'm just gonna be single forever," Reggie grumbles. 

"Oh cheer up, Reggie, you'll find someone. Alright, I should probably get to sleep. See you guys tomorrow!" Julie says, heading out of the garage. 

"Good night, Julie!" We all say. 

Reggie sighs and says, "I wish we could sleep. It's so boring to never sleep."

"Hey Reg, did you know that Hans Solo and Princess Leia have a kid?" I say, trying to distract Luke and Reggie.

"WHAT!?!?! SINCE WHEN???" Reggie looks offended that he hasn't heard this news before.

"I don't know, Willie told me," I say, grinning in satisfaction that my distraction worked. 

Reggie goes on to rant about how they probably ruined Star Wars, and I plop down into a beanbag chair and think about the next time I can see Willie.

i suck at ending stories, so uh- sorry if the ending sucked.
again, sorry it took so long for me to update, i'll try to update more, but if i don't update for a while, it's because of school :/
i hope you liked this part :)

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now