fighting-reggie peters

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Requested by: NicKneecaps

Summary: Alex and Luke get into a fight, and Reggie remembers how his parents would always fight. 

Ships: Luke/Julie (implied)   Alex/Willie (implied)

Warnings: yelling, fighting, mentions of abuse.

Notes: Reggie has younger siblings


"Alright, you three. For tonight's movie night, you three choose a movie from your childhood, and we'll watch that," Julie instructed. 

Alex, Luke, and Reggie nodded in understanding. 

"Star Wars!" Reggie exclaimed. 

"No Star Wars," Alex, Luke, and Julie replied in unison.

"Bill and Ted!" Luke chimed in. 

"No, Labyrinth!" Alex argued

"Labyrinth?" Luke wrinkled his nose. 

"Yes, the one with David Bowie!"

"Ok, no. That movie sucks."

Alex gasped. "Take that back, Lucas Patterson."

"Nope. Bill and Ted is better."

"Take that back, or I'll tell Julie your middle name."

This time, Luke gasped. "You wouldn't dare." 

"Oh, I would dare."

"I'll tell Willie your middle name if you tell Julie mine."

"Fine with me, mine isn't embarrassing."

The fighting turned to yelling, and Reggie brought his knees to his chest, trying to take in deep breaths. 

Eventually, the fighting became too much for him to handle, and he poofed away to Julie's room. He knew they weren't supposed to be in there, but he didn't know where else to go. 

He curled up on her bed and clutched a pillow tightly, sobbing. 


Reggie curled up on his bed, trying to block out the fighting below. He scribbled something in his notebook, then groaned in frustration. 

"Reg-Reg? I'm scared."

Reggie looked up to see his little sister, Amber, standing in his doorway. 

"I know, Amber. Why don't you go get Max, and you two come back in here, ok?"

Amber nodded and ran over to Max's room, clutching her teddy bear to her chest. She returned a few seconds later, Max in tow. 

They both clambered onto Reggie's bed and nestled into his side. Reggie put his arms around the two toddlers and gently ruffled their hair. 

"Do you two wanna hear a story?"

Amber and Max nodded eagerly. 

"Once upon a time..." 

Amber and Max turned all of their attention to Reggie's story. 

A crash downstairs startled them all. 

Reggie just kept telling his story until the toddlers fell asleep.


Back in the studio, Julie was furious.

"You idiots!" She yelled. 

Alex and Luke stopped their arguing and turned to face Julie. 


"I said, YOU IDIOTS!"

Alex took a step back. "What are you talking about?"

"Ay, dios mio you two are so dumb!" Julie muttered. 

"Oh no, she brought out the Spanish," Luke whispered fearfully. 

"Did you see Reggie?! Did you see what you two did to him?!" Julie yelled.

Alex's eyes widened. "Crap," he muttered. 

"That's all you have to say? Unbelievable," Julie scoffed. 

Luke went to step out of the studio, but Julie stopped him. 

"No. You've done enough. I'll go find him." With that, she stepped out of the studio and headed up to her room. 

Luke ran after her, but poofed up to Julie's room instead of running up there. 

His heart sank when he saw Reggie sobbing on the bed. 

"Reg, I'm so sorry." Luke sat down next to Reggie on the bed, and placed a comforting hand on the bassist's shoulder. "Alex and I didn't mean to remind you of your parents. We're so sorry for not paying attention to the fact that you were obviously freaked out."

Reggie sniffled and wiped at his eyes. "I know you didn't mean it, Luke."

Luke reached forward and wrapped Reggie in a hug.

Reggie hugged back tightly, resting his chin on Luke's shoulder.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. 

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah, Reg?"

"For the record, I agree with Alex on the movie."

~the end~

«authors note: I hope you liked this, even though it was really short!»

question of the day: out of the three movie choices (Star Wars, labyrinth, and Bill and Ted), which movie would you choose?

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now