three best friends are baristas-willex au

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ok so I got a book with writing prompts, so i'm gonna be using the prompts here! I might turn the stories I write with the prompts into a book if I write enough! (the book is called 'write the story', I got it at target)

Prompt title: Two Best Friends are Baristas (I changed it to three best friends lol)

Words to Include: -Coffee-Molehill-Insulation-Sneakers-Inspire-Pencil-Embroidery-Justify-Loveless-Pane-


Summary: Willex coffeeshop AU. Takes place in 2020 (but like, alternate universe 2020). Everyone is alive, no ghosts.

Ships: Alex/Willie   Luke/Julie    Reggie/Flynn

Warnings: mentions of homophobia, mentions of conversion therapy. Also long.


Author notes: hey everyone!! happy new year!! i'm so grateful for all of you, your comments make my day, and the amount of love that you have shown this story is amazing! as promised, I'll post my Caleb story later today. I have to make some edits to the story, but it will be posted today!! 

so uh, it is winter in this, but I've lived in indiana all my life, so forgive me if any winter related stuff doesn't make sense for living in Hollywood 😂 


Luke sighs dreamily and sets his chin in his hand. Reggie does the same. 

Alex groans. "I take it your dates went well?"

Reggie grins. "The best."

"The very best," Luke agrees.

Reggie side-eyes Alex. "Any luck finding a cute boy?" The bassist wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Alex glares at him. "Can we not talk about my loveless life?"

Just then, the coffeeshop door swings open, bells ringing. A cold gust of wind startles Alex, and he jumps and turns towards the register. "Hi, how can I... help... you." He trails off when the stranger steps into view.

He was gorgeous. Like, drop-dead gorgeous. The stranger was probably a little shorter than Alex, with long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He had a skateboard tucked under one arm, and a cracked helmet was placed haphazardly on his head. He was wearing a blue t-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt, ripped jeans, and black sneakers. There was a rainbow flag sticker on his helmet, along with a black, grey, white, and purple flag that Alex didn't recognize.

Alex gulps. Luke nudges him, and Alex jumps again. 

"Welcome, what can I get for you?" The drummer's  voice cracks, and the stranger giggles quietly. Alex's face flushes a deep red.

"Just a black coffee, please."

Behind Alex, Reggie and Luke raise their eyebrows.

"Just a black coffee," Alex repeats.

The stranger nods. "Actually, a black coffee and a hot chocolate. My little sister will probably get mad at me if I don't get her something."

Alex nods and inputs the order into the computer. "Eleven dollars."

The stranger hands him the cash, then glances down to Alex's apron, where a small rainbow flag pin rests. 

The boy extends his hand. "I'm Willie."

"Oh, uh, Alex." He shakes the strangers hand.

Willie grins at Alex, and he blushes even more. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz