Rumi: oh, think you.

Izuku: so were do you want to go?

Rumi: I know this pretty good place down town I thought we could go to.

Izuku: sounds great, please lead the way.

Izuku and Rumi then started to make there way to the restaurant that Rumi was talking about. It wasn't to fare from her agency so it didn't take Izuku and her to long to get there. Once there the notices that the place was pretty busy, but they got lucky and were able to get a table. At first there was a awkward silence between the two of them, but after a minute Izuku broke that silence.

Izuku: Rumi can I ask you something?

Rumi: what?

Izuku: why don't you prefer to work alone?

Rumi: simple I just want a challenge, and having side kicks would take away that challenge.

Izuku: I see, then why did you want me to intern with you?

Rumi: because I could tell by looking at you that you also wanted to work alone. But without a quirk I new you would have trouble, so I thought I would help you along with your goal. Know I have a question for you.

Izuku: what is it?

Rumi: why does a quirkless boy want to be a hero so badly.

Izuku: because I made a promise to someone important to me.

Rumi: who?

Izuku: my father.

Rumi: I see, I bet he's proud of you.

Izuku: I hope so.

Rumi could tell by the way he said that that something was wrong. She was about to find out what but the food came when she was about to ask, and Izuku changed the topic. The rest of the meal and conversation was nice and the two of them had a good time.
As the two were heading home they came across a public park.

Rumi: come on, will cut threw the park it will be quicker.

Izuku was hesitant about this idea, he didn't exactly have good memories about this. Rumi could see this too.

Rumi: what is it?

Izuku: nothing, let's go.

Rumi: ok.

Rumi and Izuku started walking threw the park. The whole time they were walking Izuku was looking back and forth, and was on guard. To an untrained person they couldn't see this but to Rumi she could tell. In front of the two a man came jogging up, immediately Izuku grabbed Rumi's hand and pulled her behind him. The jogging ran by and gave Izuku a you're obviously nuts look. After that Rumi had enough and wanted to know what was going on with Izuku.

Rumi: you have been on edge ever since we started threw the park. What is going on?

Izuku: it's nothing.

Rumi: don't give me that, tell me what is wrong?

Izuku: it has to do with my dad.

It was all starting to fall in place for Rumi now.

Rumi: Izuku what happened?

Izuku: when I was 8 me and my dad were walking threw the park on are why home from the movies. When out of the shadows came a monster. That monster took my dad from me and there was nothing I could do about it.

Rumi: and that's when you made the promise.

Izuku: yes.

Rumi: Izuku you were a child there was nothing you could have done, it wasn't your fault.

Izuku: that's what you guys keep telling me, and I know your right too. But I just can't expect that because no matter how hard I try too it just feels like a lie I'm trying to tell myself.

Rumi: Izuku....

Izuku: come on let's go.

The two started to make there way back to the agency. Half way there Rumi noticed that Izuku was still holding her hand. This caused Rumi to blush.

Rumi: um Izuku.

Izuku: what is it?

Izuku then noticed that he was still holding Rumi's hand.

Izuku: oh sorry Rumi I just.....

Rumi: no it's ok Izuku. I don't mind.

This along with the shy blushing face Rumi was making caused Izuku to blush too.

Izuku: so then do you want me to keep holding it?

Rumi: I don't mind if you do.

For the rest of the walk back to the agency Izuku hold Rumi's hand. As the two were walking back Rumi was also thinking about what happened. She never needed anyone to protect her and everyone knew that she could take care of herself but she had to admit it did feel nice to know that despite all of that that there was someone who wanted to protect her. It wasn't to much longer and the two made it back to the agency. When they got in Rumi wanted to see if Izuku wanted to talk so more, she wanted to get to know him better.

Izuku: tonight was nice Rumi, I had fun.

Rumi: me too. I was wondering if you wanted to....

At that moment Rumi's phone started to ring.

Rumi mind: not now.

Rumi answered her phone and talked to the person on the other line for a second before hanging up and looking at Izuku with a serious face.

Izuku: what is it?

Rumi: the next town over Hosu is under attack. They have requested are help for back up. Time to suit up Batman.

Izuku: right Miruko.

The two suited up as fast as they could and ran out the front door. Izuku called the batcycle to him and hoped on it.

Batman: get on.

Miruko: what?

Batman: no point in wearing yourself out before the fight starts by jumping there.

Miruko: smart.

Miruko the gets on the bike behind Batman.

Batman: hang on.

Miruko blushing gets closer to Batman and wraps her arms around him.

Batman: ready?

Miruko: punch it.

Batman and Miruko then took off towards Hosu City. Little did one of them know though that there skills were about to be tested by this mission and if there not up to the challenge then the outcome might very well be death.

I AM BATMAN حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن