Twenty Eight.

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The low hum of the radio was the only sound filling the van. We had left John B at the hospital once Sarah confirmed what the DCS woman had told us. He was fine. But I couldn't help the thoughts running through my mind that he was far from fine. He had managed to escape with only have a few injuries from his fall from the hawk's nest, but now he was in Ward's care, and after the way Ward had threatened me at Midsummer's, I knew him saving the day and getting DCS off of John B's back was just a way of him showing me who had all of the control.

After dropping Pope and Kiara off at their homes, JJ drove us silently back home. "What's wrong?" JJ's voice was quiet as it broke through the silence, snapping my attention away from watching the dark trees glowing as the headlights lit them up as we passed by.

He glanced at me again before returning his eyes to the road. "It's just been a long few days." I replied after a few moments. I wanted to ask him about the kiss, but he hadn't brought it up either, and I couldn't help but notice how he was acting a bit off with me for most of the night before the accident. It was nice to have him back to normal again, and I didn't want to risk ruining that just yet.

JJ nodded, accepting my response as he parked the van between the Chateau and Nana's house. "JJ," I called over to him as we both climbed out of the van. He looked up expectantly at me, waiting for me to talk. "Can you, er, stay with me tonight? I-instead of at the Chateau, I mean. I just don't want to be alone, after tonight. Seeing John B like that..." My words trailed off as I stuttered out my words, feeling nervous at whether he would stay with me or go back to being off with me again.

He ran his hand through his hair as he looked towards the Chateau and then back to me. "Uh, yeah, yeah sure." He replied as he closed the van door. I wasn't sure why it felt awkward between us right now, but as we walked side by side up to my front door and he followed me in, I felt nervous.

It was gone 2 in the morning and I knew we were both extremely tired and drained of energy, so we headed straight towards my bedroom. "I'm just gonna go change, but make yourself at home." I found myself explaining as I turned the small lamp on beside my bed, before grabbing some pyjamas and walking back towards the bathroom.
Closing the door behind me, I let out a deep breath before I started to wipe off my makeup, wash my face and brush my teeth. I glanced down at the maroon silk dress I was wearing, noticing the mud splashed up at the bottom. I reached my arm behind my back, feeling around for the zipper but unable to find it.

"JJ?" I called quietly as I walked back down the hall towards my bedroom. I paused in the doorway when I saw him laying on one side of my bed fully clothed. "Can you, um..." I took a couple of steps towards him before turning around and pulling my hair to one side, gesturing to the back of my dress. "I can't reach the zipper."

I heard the bed creak as JJ swung his legs back to the floor and stood up. "Oh, yeah, sure. I got it." I couldn't stop the small smile on my lips when JJ replied, hearing him coughing a little in embarrassment. I felt his body step closely behind me as he reached up to brush a few loose hairs away from my neck. My breath stuck in my throat as his fingertips brushed against my skin, before dropping to reach for the top of the zipper. I could tell he was being careful not to catch the fabric as he slowly pulled the zipper down my back.

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Alone Together • JJ MaybankOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora