Twenty Two.

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The black and white movie was nearing the end as darkness had fallen over us. My hand was no longer in JJ's, having pulled it away a little while after to grab the bag of sweets I had brought with me. JJ had shifted uncomfortably beside me when I pulled my hand from his hold, but relaxed again when I nudged him gently to offer him a sweet. He glanced down at the packet before meeting my eyes again, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

Once I poured a few sweets into my hand and put the packet back into my bag, I shuffled my seat a tiny bit closer to him, linking my arm through his, reaching for his hand again and resting my head on his shoulder. The whole time my heart was beating out of my chest, but I already missed his warmth beside me and decided to force myself to be brave.

I felt JJ's head turn down to look at me, squeezing our now interlocked hands again as he opened his mouth as if he was about to say something to me when I heard Pope's voice whispering JJ. "What?" JJ whisper-shouted back as he turned to look at Pope.

"I gotta take a piss." Pope whispered again.

JJ sighed as he glanced back down at me briefly. "Hold it."

"I can't hold it. I drank too much soda."

I lifted my head up, sitting back up straight when JJ pulled his hand from mine and twisted to face Pope, now whispering something I could no longer hear. I turned my attention back to the movie as they continued to whisper and shuffle awkwardly beside me, until I noticed them both stand, keeping their bodies crouched low.

"Hey, where y'all going?" Kiara took the words from my mouth when she too noticed them moving.

"We gotta wring it out." JJ turned back to reply to Kiara, before him and Pope continued to walk away.

"What, you gonna hold it for each other?" Kie muttered under her breath in their direction. I chuckled at her words as she looked at me with an eye roll aimed at the boys. "Don't know what you're laughing at..." Kie's eyes playfully narrowed at me, "I see you girl. Looking all comfy over there, hmm?"

I could feel the blush creep over my cheeks at her words as I glanced away with a wave of embarrassment, until I realized it was only Kie and I could take her teasing now. "Maybe you should take a page outta my book and follow my lead, hmm?" I mocked her words, nodding my head towards Pope's now empty seat.

"Shut up. Point taken." I couldn't help but laugh, trying to keep quiet, as her smile faltered uncomfortably at my words and she threw a boiled sweet at me. I caught the sweet as it hit me, throwing it into my mouth with a smug mmhmm aimed at her as we both turned back to watch whatever was left of the movie.

A few minutes had passed when I realized the boys still weren't back. I tried to look in the direction they went in, but it was too dark to see anything. When I looked back forward, I noticed JJ's bag on the floor by my feet, suddenly feeling a wave of panic wash over me. My head shot to look at Kie, who had wide eyes matching mine as if she was having the exact same thoughts as I was. We both spun in our seats to check behind, now seeing the empty spot where Rafe, Topper and Kelce stood previously.

"Shit." Kie mumbled under her breath as she jumped up and grabbed JJ's bag. I quickly stood, following quickly behind her as she weaved between rows of other people.

As we neared the movie screen I started to hear odd erratic movements from behind it, already sensing what we were about to walk round to find. We turned the corner to see five shadowed figures fighting. Kiara ran forward at the sight. "Let go of him, Topper! Fascist asshole!" She swung JJ's backpack at Topper who had a grip on Pope's collar.

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