Forty Four.

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Happy new year!  

I'm back after a two week break, which considering Boris cancelled Christmas for all of London was the most boring and wasted two week break from work.  But the break from my laptop was much needed. 

Although I did just replace that with staring at my TV instead.  Netflix was a life saver!  However I do need some new series recommendations considering I watched all of The Queens Gambit and Money Heist - so please drop your recommendations here!

(side note: Money Heist is my new favorite show it was incredible I love it I miss it and I cannot wait for the 5th part!!!!)

Anyway, here is the long awaited next chapter.

Enjoy :-)


Stood frozen to my spot, I watched as John B sped away on JJ's dirt bike. I knew I should have stopped him, reached for his arm and pulled him back to talk some sense into him, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even think straight. The voices of Kiara, Pope and JJ screaming after him as they ran past me to follow his direction echoed eerily round my mind as if I was underwater.

The crash wasn't an accident. Mom is dead because of Ward Cameron.

I felt arms wrap around me as I was pulled into a hug, instantly smelling JJ's scent and knowing it was him.

"We have to go after him."

"Where do you think he's going? He's not stupid enough to go straight to Tannyhill, is he?" Kie and Pope's voices became clearer as JJ's embrace slowly brought me out of my trance.

"Come on, get in the van, let's go." Kiara reached for my limp hand that was hanging by my side, squeezing it quickly before dropping it again as she passed by us walking towards the van.

"No, we should go by boat. No one can track us then. You know, just in case." Pope reasoned, followed by footsteps on the gravel making their way towards the dock.

JJ pulled away from me, his eyes filled with concern as he lifted my head to look back at him. "We need to go after him. Before he does something stupid." I nodded with a sniffle, only just managing to keep hold of the tears still brimming in my eyes.

He gripped my hand, tugging me behind him down the dock towards the others. "Wait." My voice felt pathetically weak, so I coughed before calling again. "Maybe I should wait here, in case he changes his mind and comes back?" JJ stopped, turning to face me before we reached the end of the dock. He studied my face for a second before glancing over his shoulder to the others who were busy untying the HMS Pogue.

"I'll stay with you." He said as he looked back at me, his voice quiet as if he didn't want the others to see his soft side. I smiled gently as I shook my head at him.

"No, no. You should go with the others to look for John B. We only need one of us to stay behind." I reassured him, but could tell he was still unsure by his silence. "I promise, I'm ok, JJ. He needs you more than I do right now." I rolled up on my toes, placing a quick kiss on his lips before turning to walk back to the Chateau.

"We'll come back as soon as we find him." He called out after me, causing me to turn back around and watch as he climbed on the boat. Pope gave me a small nod and Kiara smiled at me as we locked eyes. I could see the worry in them even from my distance, silently acknowledging my part in staying behind as the boat engine roared to life and drove away.

For some reason I found myself waiting until the tiny boat disappeared from my view into the sunset. The sound of the engine quietened down to a silence so that I could only hear the soft lapping of water under the dock, and the tweeting of birds and insects. I walked towards the Chateau, taking a seat on the wooden steps. The silence was calming and alarming all at the same time. A part of me felt relieved that John B finally accepted the truths I had known for some time now, but the other part of me was scared for how he had reacted and what he was planning to do with the gun.

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