I - It all begins the same way

Start from the beginning

Growing up from her quarters, you often saw her putting up a façade through hardships. Never have you seen her waver and be affected by challenges life has to offer. Not when she's by your side, she refused to show a sign of weakness and you admire her for that.

Smiling, the trip headed off in comfortable silence, your mother hums along the radio as it played merry tunes of your generation. Once your arrival, your mother wasted no time to call for her father, your grandfather. The moment he finally spots you, the father and daughter greets each other with sheer, wholesome enthusiasm.

After their childish display, your mother lets him go and your Grandfather Joseph Joestar turned to you with a childish grin. One you can only describe as something one would give to a baby. You politely smiled back at him, holding your hand out for a handshake when the old man took it and pulled you closer for a hug instead. You yelped upon his firm embrace. He lightly squeezes the life out of you like a child to his favourite stuffed toy.

"Ahhh! Jotaro!" The burly old man takes your figure deep within his embrace, the distinct scent of musk clung to his clothing wafted through your nostrils in an overwhelming manner. "It's been so long! How old are you now?"

"I-I'm not Jotaro... I'm the eldest twin, Y/N..." The old man blushed upon hearing your voice muffled by his chest, which gave him more reason to bury your face deep within his body to prevent you from seeing his evident embarrassment.

“Jotaro and I are twins, I know but... We don't exactly have the same build. Not even remotely similar."

"Sorry kiddo, hehehe, it's been so long and I used to know how to tell you apart." The sheepish Hamon user shyly laughs, prying you away by your shoulders as evident disappointment was in your eyes. "My look how fine you've grown! You sure have inherited our family's genetics!"

"Thank you, Grandfather. You look remarkably good looking as well." You smiled at your Grandfather, whilst picking up his luggage.

"Awww~ you—" he shyly waves, like a school girl being complimented/teased by their crush, when his face abruptly altered to a different one, distinctly contrasting against his first mood. "Wait, where did you get those injuries? What happened?"

His gaze fell on the bandage wrappings around your head. Upon his sudden attention to your injury, your hand subconsciously reached for the right bindings to lightly stroke it. The dull coloured wrappings firmly binds the old injury that you've recently acquired from school in a freak accident within the classroom, something rare that happened.

"Well... Uhm..." You stammered, not knowing how to word your sentence without throwing a blame to whoever caused it. "A riot happened in the school and I was involved and... And I was injured. Yeah." You concluded with a nervous smile, as your grandfather gazed down at you with a doubt.

"Maybe you can tell me about it later," the old man smiles at you, before turning to your mother. "About Jotaro. Are you sure he used the term 'evil spirit'?" 

Holly's face paled, dropping her father's luggage and collapsing on the floor. The ever so doting child you were, rushed to your mother's side to side her, using your hand to fan and give her some air.

"Oh my poor little boy... Yes, the policemen says couldn't see it but Y/N and I saw it, it's like he grew a third arm!" She sobs, covering her face with her palms. "And then he reached out, and grabbed the gun!"

Recalling the scene made you shudder. His close call to death was unexpected and you couldn't believe he did that just to prove a point. The moment never failed to make you shake and quiver.

"And when the arm came out, no one else there could see it but you?" Your grandfather asks.

"That's right," Holly confirms with a nod, as you helped her stand on her feet.

"And aside from Jotaro saying that he's been possessed, you're okay? Did anything happened to you?" Joseph inquired.

"Yes, I feel perfectly fine! But what do I do about Jotaro? He says he won't leave that cell until he finds the cause of all this! What am I going to do, Papa?" Your mother leans her weight on you, as if she couldn't hold herself up, whilst you closely assisted her.

"There, there my darling daughter. You've got Joseph Joestar with you now, no need to worry!" The old man grins, before turning to you. "How about you Y/N, did anything happened to you? Aside from your head injury, of course."

"Oh um... Perfectly fine, Grandfather." You answered without skipping a beat, polite as ever. Although you were confused by his sudden concern, it was endearing but strange at the same time.

"But you're going to need to detail how you got your head hurt, Y/N. As long as I am here, there should be no one harming my darling daughter and grandchildren. For now," the old man snapped his fingers, caring the attention of a nearby man whom you've never noticed before. "Let's go see my grandson. Jotaro can explain this himself."

You followed along, with your mind races to what your grandfather might know about Jotaro's predicament.

“What does grandfather know about the evil spirit Jotaro spoke of? Who is his mysterious companion? What are they planning?

Ugh, am I over reading the circumstances at hand? Oh whatever. Perhaps I'll find out soon enough.

We're almost at the prison again. As much as I don't want to recall nor relive what happened awhile ago, I must go.

Something tells me this wouldn't be just a light-hearted reunion between us Joestar's and Kujo's and a stranger.”

To be continued →→→

Crystal Clear (JJBA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now