I - It all begins the same way

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“My life flashed before my eyes like a film and I thought this was the end of me. But it was only the beginning..."

"Jotaro, NO!" The sharp voice of the authoritarian twin screeched, prepared to lunge towards the jail cell bar when their mother bound them by her side, the delinquent twin's precise finger yanks the trigger to fire the gun aimed at his temple. Small streaks of tears fell from your optics, the tense anticipation deteriorated your sense of thinking, mind drawing blanks, your heart erratically hammered in your chest. The pin-drop silence was ceased by the tiny metallic ring falling from the revolver, no trace of damaged was endured by your twin brother.

He breathes heavily and gently sets the police officer's gun back. Able to properly gather your sense of thinking back, you lunged forward to get a grasp of your twin's collar, jerking him forward for as long as the distance allowed you. With the metallic barriers, you weren't able to yank him forward enough for him to get to your level. You gazed at him with bare violent passion, clammy hands tightly gripped his article of clothing with adrenaline induced  strength but in your eyes... Your eyes which flowed with glossy telltale tears of concern and worry says otherwise. He scowled back, attempting to push you off when you jerked him forward with sheer strength he never thought you'd possess. The seventeen year old male grunts, the cell bar impacting against his face upon your forceful tug.

"Listen here, fucker," you snarled, face inched close to his. "Pull that bullshit maneuver again and I'll fucking kill you." Jotaro has been living with you for seventeen years, and never in his years of breathing has ever heard you utter a single profanity that he knows of. He has seen you furious before, the way you unleashed the bottled emotions and snapping at people with pure authoritarian intent, but still remained mindfully patient and emotionally stable... But this time, you weren't holding back.

"Y/N please!" Your mother exclaims, grabbing a hold of your wrist. With this, your mother made no effort of prying you off as they automatically loosened the moment she briefly made contact with you. With that, your wrath steadily subsided and the fiery remnants of it left a sense of guilt. The moment you loosened your grip from your younger twin, you turned away from.

"Tsk," he simply clicked his tongue as rearranged his collar before picking his hat from the ground. "Now that you've seen it, I'm sure you'll understand why I'm not moving an inch from this cell." he turns away from them, keeping his distance away from his family with a grim expression.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Your mother spoke with sheer maternal concern, whilst you had your back turned away from her. She grasps your wrist, putting the back of her hand on your forehead. "It's not like you to snap like that... Y-you're sweating cold bullets! Let's get you out of here."

"B-but Jotaro—"

"Come along now, Y/N... The doctor's said you need to rest... It's imperative when they said you shouldn't be strained."

You were about to open your mouth to protest, when you saw a particular glossy glint in her eyes... She was concerned, in the brink of crying... Concerned for both her children... You closed your mouth with a reluctant nod, before grabbing onto your mother's wrist to lead her out.

"Your grandfather should be here soon. He asked that we pick him up from the airport." Holly starts the car and watches you fasten your seatbelt.

"Grandfather? Now?" You queried, glancing at her with a raised brow.

"Yes, silly!" The blonde grins, throwing up a peace sign like she always do.

Her uncharacteristic change of mood caught you off-guard. It's not really out of character for her, but it was unnerving and somehow eerie for her to mask her previous mood to this. From shock and disbelief, and now she's excited and giddy.

Crystal Clear (JJBA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now