Chapter 2

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Hi Me Again I forgot to mention their ages


Akatsuki members (except Konan Pein)-23-24

Pein, Konan-38

The next morning I went down to the kitchen where the rest of the akatsuki where the rest of akatsuki were having breakfast I never thought that the akatsuki would act normal and eat breakfast with each other and not talk about their success in there missions killing people and stuff

“hey fish face whats for breakfast” I asked “whatever you make pinky” “don't call me pinky, shark face” “don't call me shark face then pinky” “stop your bickering, Sakura meet me on the training grounds within 15 minutes” Itachi said from across the room “why?” I asked “leader told me to train you from what i know you are a medic Right?” he told/questioned me “yeah i’m a medic okay I will meet you there”

I said as he walked away I quickly ate breakfast and got dressed i wore the same as yesterday I really like this outfit I thought as i walked to the training grounds.

“Your late” was the first thing I heard as I walked onto the open field “only by 2 minutes” I defended “are you ready to begin?” he questioned, I nodded not noticing the kunai he threw “FUCK” I said as it grazed my skin “don't take your eyes away from your enemy” he said smugly I threw a few poison coated kunai didn't even come close to hitting him  it went on like this for a while until i was on the ground exhausted bloody and bruised while he only had a couple of scratches he wasn't even slightly exhausted.

“That will be all for today come back tomorrow at the same time” he told me as i walked off ready to go hit the shower when i walked back to my room I found an akatsuki cloak, hat, gloves, black and purple nail polish and sandals there was a note on top

 you are finally apart of akatsuki

you are paired with Kisame and Itachi


Great i’m with fish face and the Uchiha Bastard I hopped in the shower for a while, after i got changed into a simple pair of shorts and a black T-shirt I went down to the living room bare foot and saw tobi watching The Wiggles I took the remote and turned it to the movie channel Final Destination 3 was playing “hey tobi was watching that tobi likes the wiggles this looks scary tobi doesn't like scary movies” “well put up with it” I said as tobi started to cry saying that Sakura was a meany after a while some of the other members came in and started watching including Itachi, Itachi sat next to me on the couch while the rest of the members sat on the floor 2 minutes later Konan came in with a big bowl of popcorn I’m going to start on diner she said as she left

Right after the movie was finished Konan came in and informed us that diner was ready all the boys dashed off like they had been starved for weeks except for Itachi he walked at a normal pace we started a small conversation he told me about how things worked in akatsuki and that instead of training we were going on a mission with Kisame tomorrow after diner i went to bed to get some rest for my first mission in akatsuki I had a feeling it was going to be a long day. 

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