chapter 2

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The next morning

Austin's P.O.V

I'm so excited for tonight I just can't wait. I want to ask Maria to be my girlfriend but I might be going too fast I mean we just met but I can't wait to call her mine. I get up from my bed and take a shower then I brush my teeth then I put on basketball shorts and a T-shirt . I go down stair and head to the kitchen and grab an apple. I go outside and get in my car and drive to Maria's house. I finally get to her house I get out the car and knocked on her door. Seconds later Maria's mom answers the door."Oh hi you must me Austin" she says. " is maria home?" I asked. "Oh yes she is here ...please come inside." Maria's mom said. I entered the house and waited for maria. "Maria your boyfriend is here!" Her mom yells. "Mom he is not my boyfriend" I then hear maria say. Maria walks downstairs and greets me. "OK well I'm going to work now if you need anything call me ." Maria's mom tells us and she leaves.

I'm actually happy Maria's mom left now we can do what ever we want. "So what do you want to do?" Maria says." What ever you want to do I'm fine with what ever." I say.

"Ummm sorry if this sounds boring but today I just feel like watching moves and eating pizza" maria says. "Sure I mean if you want it's ok." I say. Maria orders pizza and I put a funny movie. I lay on the couch with maria. Its half way through the movie and we were almost out of pizza. Maria lays her head on my chest. I lift her chin up and kiss her. Surprisingly she kisses back. She smiles and we continue the movie. The movie was over and I left to my house to get ready for our date even though she doesn't know its a date. It wa 7:40 so i got ready. I take a shower and put on a tuxedo and fixed my hair. I spray some cologne on. I went outside and got in my car and drove to Maria's house. I knocked on the door and in seconds I see maria standing there in a red sparkly dress with some black heels and her hair is straightened. "Wow you look amazing." I say to her. "Thank you and you look handsome." We get in the car and I drove her to a fancy restaurant. I could tell she was amazed because when we went inside she just kept looking around like if she was dreaming. We take a seat and order our food.


Maria- wow this place is amazing.

Austin- I know right Robert gave me the idea to take you here.

Maria-well now we know Robert has been here a lot

Austin- speaking of Robert I haven't seen him in a while.

Maria- I know right I haven't heard from Melanie either.

Austin- I wonder what's up

Maria- yeah anyways I like basically know everything about you so I don't know what to ask you

Austin- just tell me about your self

Maria- well I was born in Miami though my mom is from somewhere else my dad died when I was 3 years old

Austin- how did he die

Maria- car crash I don't really like to talk about it

Austin- its OK I shouldn't have asked but continue

Maria- OK.... as you already know I live in Miami


Maria- my favorite color is red and my favorite food is pizza

Austin- OK... not very interesting

Maria- hey *looks down*

Austin- I'm playing your amazing

Maria- * blushes* thank you

(Food arrives and they start eating)

Austin- I'm sorry if I'm going way too fast but I just really need to ask you something

Maria- sure what is it

Austin- *take a deep breath) here goes nothing..

Maria- are going to ask me the question or not

Austin- maria....I really really like you I know its only been awhile and maybe I'm going too fast but ...Will you be my girlfriend?


Austin- well?

Maria-.....yes.. yes I will be your girlfriend *hugs Austin*

They spend hours talking and laughing after awhile Austin takes maria home

"Thank you for taking me out tonight I had fun" said maria. " yeah me too." I say before she gets off the car we kiss a couple of seconds then she gets off the car and goes inside her house. I drive home and went straight to bed.

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