I look around our surroundings to find a lot of land with trees, bushes, flowers. A beautiful rock path with a fountain in the middle and some marble benches. This place looks magical. I'm getting excited about today's date. "King Sawyer it's so nice to see you again" I hear Walter. I take my gaze away from the beautiful garden and look in front of me to find the King standing there in all his handsome glory. Today he's wearing a brown suit with a white shirt a few of the buttons and undone and no tie with matching brown dress shoes. He looks really nice and weird feelings swarm in my veins. "Hello Walter it's nice seeing you as well," he says while not taking his eyes off of me.

A blush forms on my cheeks from his gaze. "If you don't mind, I'll be taking Amber from here," the King tells Walter. "Well, sir, I have to come with for the reports," Walter tells him. I look over at Walter, confused. But he didn't come with me yesterday why does he have to come with me today? If he had to come with one day and not the other I'd rather have Walter come with yesterday than today. Something inside of me is telling me that I can trust the Werewolf and for some odd reason I'm following that feeling. I don't feel like this with the Vampire only the Werewolf... weird.

"Well if you must but today I don't want to hear a pipe out of you," the King tells Walter. I can almost see Walter grind his teeth as he nods. "And why did you bring a guard with you today? I have guards all over instructed to protect Amber when there's a threat" the King asks. "Oh um for the ride in case something happens," Walter says. "Hmm fine but he can stay here since she doesn't need him," the Werewolf King says. Walter looks at Lennon and gives him a hard look.

"Very well sir," Walter tells the King. "Amber would you walk with me?" the King asks as he holds his elbow out for me to take. Another blush covers my face and I walk over to him. Why am I'm suddenly a blushing weirdo when I'm around the Werewolf King? "There's a secret garden that I want to show you. Only the Royals and a select few guards know about it. My father would take my mother there all the time. It was her favorite place and since you are my mate and hopefully my future Queen I want to show you."

I feel like I'm going through whiplash. The Vampire and Werewolf Kings are nothing alike. It's like night and day with these two.

"Here you are not a slave. You will never be called on or be treated like one because you are not. You are my mate and my Queen. You have more power than I do. And if anyone treats you wrong I'll take care of them and make sure they go through the worse punishment" the Werewolf King tells me. It's so weird having someone that I'm supposed to be with to love and birth their children to care for me while barely knowing one another.

"I've been told that you've read about Werewolves and how mates work and everything. But those books don't go into detail. I've read the same ones you did mostly because I wanted to know what they are teaching you and those books do a poor job at explaining what having a mate is. So my Queen allow me to explain. Male wolves are very protective of their mates. They will do anything to make their other half happy. Unlike other creatures, we put our mates above us. Some males do like their mates submissive while others don't care. But submissive or not the female is always put at the top and we males will put our lives in on the line to make sure our mates are safe" he starts. Wait so does he want me to be submissive? I'll be fine with that since I'm a natural submissive but if he doesn't... well that'll be difficult.

"Another thing about male Werewolves is that we... don't like to wait. We are very horny beings. We wait for our mates with no problem but once a wolf meets his mate all he wants is to hump." A blush once again finds its way onto my cheeks. Does that mean he thinks of me in... an inappropriate way? Does he have wet dreams about me? Why am I enjoying this so much? "males also love the idea of a family. Some couples have one or two pups but other couples will have four or more pups. I'm a selfish man and I know having more pups will mean less time with you so I want two." He finishes. Butterflies are swarming around my stomach at his words.

The way he spoke and worded things he either really likes me or this is all for show. But I'm not sure why he would do this for show. Walter is feet away from us not sure if he even can hear a thing the King has said. It isn't my choice to pick who I want to be with because if it was I would pick the Werewolf King. But Walter has made it very clear that he hates the Werewolf King and favors the Vampire King. "Well we're here baby girl," the King tells me. My heart flutters at the nickname. We stop walking and the King turns around "must you follow us the rest of the way?" the King asks annoyed.

"Yes I must it's my job to follow on every meeting to see who benefits the most from the girl," Walter says with an eye roll. The King let out a growl. I'm not sure if that's because Walter called me a girl or because of the eye roll. I would have thought it was from the eye roll if it wasn't for what he told me about male wolves being protective.

"Fine but you can stay a distance. I want to make this date as real as possible for Amber" he tells Walter. The King walks towards a large rectangle bush I look at him confused why are we walking towards this bush? Aren't we going to get stabbed by branches and get my hair all messed up? "Don't look at me like that baby girl. It'll be fine" he tells me. Once we get up to the bush the unthinkable happens.

My King MatesWhere stories live. Discover now